Conversations About Anthropology & Sociology
Author: Howard Burton
Number of pages: 191Conversations About Anthropology & Sociology include the following 5 wide-ranging Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading experts. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter: I. The Science of Siren Songs: Stradivari Unveiled - A Conversation with master violinmaker, acoustician and MacArthur Fellow Joseph Curtin. This wide-ranging conversation explores Curtin’s long quest to characterize the sound of a Stradivari violin and the rigorous series of double-blind tests he and his colleagues developed to probe whether or not professional musicians can really tell the difference between a Stradivari and a modern violin. This thought-provoking book also examines violin acoustics and how acoustic science can be married to the art of violin making while merging time-honoured techniques with new materials and design. II. In the Cards - A Conversation with Fred Gitelman, world-champion bridge player and co-founder of Bridge Base Online. This comprehensive conversation provides behind-the-scenes insights...