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Fiscal Equalization

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Bob Searle

Number of pages: 502

In this book, experts from across the globe highlight the state of knowledge in intergovernmental transfer design. The essays collected in the volume represent creative new thinking about challenging policy issues and offer useful options for policy makers. The book offers academics and practitioners a thorough, thematic assessment of unresolved issues in the design of equalization grants.

A Theoretical Rationale for the Fiscal Gap Model of Equalization Transfers

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Cristián Sepúlveda

Czech Republic

Author: João do Carmo Oliveira , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez

Number of pages: 92

This report contains the most significant elements of intergovernmental fiscal relations in the Czech Republic including administrative structure, expenditure and revenue assignments, fiscal imbalances and transfers, access to borrowing and indebtedness, and budgeting. Although each of these elements is discussed in its own chapter, it is important to remember that they are interrelated and that reform design needs to be conducted in a coordinated manner.

Sequencing Fiscal Decentralization

Author: Roy W. Bahl , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez

Number of pages: 45

"While there is extensive knowledge about how to design fiscal decentralization policies, considerably less is understood about how a decentralization program should be sequenced and implemented. Countries embarking on decentralization often struggle with decisions about the essential components of decentralization, including the order of an introduction of decentralization policies, the number of years necessary to bring a full program on line, and the components of the transition strategy. The authors argue that the sequencing of decentralization policies is an important determinant of its success. The consequences of a poorly sequenced decentralization program can range from minor delays and complications to ineffectiveness and subsequent failing support of decentralization efforts, macroeconomic instability, and fundamental failure in public sector delivery. At a minimum, the strategy of "making it up as we go" will not lead to the same structure of decentralization as will a planned strategy. The paper raises two questions: First, is there an optimal sequencing for decentralization policies and implementation? The answer is that there is, and that following these sequencing...

Reforming Regional-local Finance in Russia

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Andrey Timofeev , Jameson Boex

Number of pages: 211

The exposition is based on an analytical framework covering all ?building blocks? of fiscal federalism: size and structure of jurisdictions, expenditures, revenues, transfers, and borrowing. The application of this framework to Russian settings results in a comprehensive assessment of the state of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Russia.

Public Policy for Regional Development

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Francois Vaillancourt

Number of pages: 256

This book draws on the expertise of both North American and European specialists of regional economics, evaluating the impact of economic policy in certain regions and considering alternative policies to foster regional economic development and improve the employment and income of the residents of these regions.Martinez-Vazquez and Vaillancourt hav

Russia's Transition to a New Federalism

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Jameson Boex

Number of pages: 99

WBI Learning Resources discuss issues in economic development policy and lessons from experience in a way that can be understood by non-specialists. This is the first in a series that will look at governance and decentralisation and looks at the implications of federalism on the growth of Russia's economy. In particular it looks at the impact of fiscal decentralisation as the way intergovernmental finances are resolved influences the transition and macroeconomic stability.

Fiscal Decentralization and Local Finance in Developing Countries

Author: Roy Bahl , Richard M. Bird

Number of pages: 512

This book draws on experiences in developing countries to bridge the gap between the conventional textbook treatment of fiscal decentralization and the actual practice of subnational government finance. The extensive literature about the theory and practice is surveyed and longstanding problems and new questions are addressed. It focuses on the key choices that must be made in decentralizing, on how economic and political factors shape the choices that countries make, and on how, by paying more attention to the need for a more comprehensive approach and the critical connections between different components of decentralization reform, everyone involved might get more for their money.

Decentralization and Infrastructure in the Global Economy

Author: Jonas Frank , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez

Number of pages: 462

The subnational dimension of infrastructure has emerged as one of the greatest challenges in contemporary public finance policy and management. Ensuring the efficient provision of infrastructure represents a challenge for all countries irrespective of their level of centralization or decentralization. This book proposes an innovative approach for the strengthening of decentralized public investment and infrastructure management. Decentralization and Infrastructure in the Global Economy: From Gaps to Solutions covers the most important aspects of infrastructure investment in a decentralized setting. It discusses infrastructure gaps and the quality of subnational spending; how functional responsibilities, financing and equalization can be designed; sector-specific arrangements in high expenditure areas, such as health, education and roads; key steps of the public investment cycle and management; and analyses the political economy and corruption challenges that typically accompany decentralized infrastructure projects. This book challenges some of the well-accepted principles of intergovernmental fiscal relations and will be useful to researchers and practitioners of public finance...

Reforming Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and the Rebuilding of Indonesia

Author: James Alm , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Number of pages: 368

Indonesia is currently facing some severe challenges, both in political affairs and in economic management. One of these challenges is the recently enacted decentralization program, now well underway, which promises to have some wide-ranging consequences. This edited volume presents original papers, written by a select group of widely recognized and distinguished scholars, that take a hard, objective look at the many effects of decentralization on economic and political issues in Indonesia. There are many questions about this program: how will it be implemented, is there capacity at the local level to implement its reforms, is there sufficient local political accountability to make it work, and how will the decentralization affect the broader program of economic growth and stabilization? Topics covered include: the historical and political dimensions of decentralization, its macroeconomic effects, its effects on poverty alleviation, the assignment of expenditure and revenue functions across levels of government, the design of transfers, the role of natural resource taxation and the effects of local government borrowing. An authoritative, comprehensive collection, Reforming...

Decentralization and Infrastructure in the Global Economy

Author: Jonas Frank , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez

Number of pages: 462

The subnational dimension of infrastructure has emerged as one of the greatest challenges in contemporary public finance policy and management. Ensuring the efficient provision of infrastructure represents a challenge for all countries irrespective of their level of centralization or decentralization. This book proposes an innovative approach for the strengthening of decentralized public investment and infrastructure management. Decentralization and Infrastructure in the Global Economy: From Gaps to Solutions covers the most important aspects of infrastructure investment in a decentralized setting. It discusses infrastructure gaps and the quality of subnational spending; how functional responsibilities, financing and equalization can be designed; sector-specific arrangements in high expenditure areas, such as health, education and roads; key steps of the public investment cycle and management; and analyses the political economy and corruption challenges that typically accompany decentralized infrastructure projects. This book challenges some of the well-accepted principles of intergovernmental fiscal relations and will be useful to researchers and practitioners of public finance...

The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government Finance

Author: Robert D. Ebel , John E. Petersen

Number of pages: 1032

This handbook evaluates the persistent problems in the fiscal systems of state and local governments and what can be done to solve them. Each chapter provides a description of the discipline area, examines major developments in policy practices and research, and opines on future prospects.

Post-Soviet Social

Author: Stephen J. Collier

Number of pages: 312

The Soviet Union created a unique form of urban modernity, developing institutions of social provisioning for hundreds of millions of people in small and medium-sized industrial cities spread across a vast territory. After the collapse of socialism these institutions were profoundly shaken--casualties, in the eyes of many observers, of market-oriented reforms associated with neoliberalism and the Washington Consensus. In Post-Soviet Social, Stephen Collier examines reform in Russia beyond the Washington Consensus. He turns attention from the noisy battles over stabilization and privatization during the 1990s to subsequent reforms that grapple with the mundane details of pipes, wires, bureaucratic routines, and budgetary formulas that made up the Soviet social state. Drawing on Michel Foucault's lectures from the late 1970s, Post-Soviet Social uses the Russian case to examine neoliberalism as a central form of political rationality in contemporary societies. The book's basic finding--that neoliberal reforms provide a justification for redistribution and social welfare, and may work to preserve the norms and forms of social modernity--lays the groundwork for a critical revision of...

Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations

Author: Serdar Yilmaz , Farah Zahir

Number of pages: 384

Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations presents a synthesis of international experience of large federations in the most recent times in addressing the most fundamental issue of horizontal and vertical imbalances in their countries through the prism of intergovernmental transfers. Contributors delve into the various aspects of policy making as well as policy choices in selecting an efficiency path for a meaningful fiscal devolution aimed at integrating performance and incentives to reach an expenditure mix that facilitates better service delivery.

Public Finance in Developing and Transitional Countries

Author: Richard Miller Bird , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , James Alm

Number of pages: 357

A collection of most of the papers and comments presented at the conference held in honor of Richard Bird in the spring of 2001. Section I: Intergovernmental fiscal relations; Section II: Tax evasion, tax administration and the role of government; Section III: Fiscal policy.

Local Accountability and National Coordination in Fiscal Federalism

Author: Charles R. Hankla , Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Raúl Alberto Ponce Rodríguez

Number of pages: 232

This book argues that fiscal federalism will consistently deliver on its governance promises only when democratic decentralization is combined with the integration of political parties. It formalizes this argument and, using new data on subnational political institutions, tests it with models of education, health, and infrastructure service delivery in 135 countries across 30 years. It also presents comparative case studies of Senegal and Nigeria. The book emphasizes that a “fine balance” in local governance can be achieved when integrated party structures compensate for the potential downsides of a decentralized state.

Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers

Author: Robin W. Boadway , Anwar Shah

Number of pages: 572

The design of intergovernmental fiscal transfers has a strong bearing on efficiency and equity of public service provision and accountable local governance. This book provides a comprehensive one-stop window/source of materials to guide practitioners and scholars on design and worldwide practices in intergovernmental fiscal transfers and their implications for efficiency, and equity in public services provision as well as accountable governance.

Decentralizing Revenue in Latin America

Author: Vicente Fretes Cibils , Teresa Ter-Minassian , J. Sebastián Scrofina , Federico Ortega , Alejandro Rasteletti , Arturo Ramírez Verdugo , Emilio Pineda , Jorge Martínez-Vázquez , Cristián Sepúlveda , Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza , Jannet Zenteno , Irina España Eljaiek , Giorgio Brosio , Ivana Templado , Cynthia Moskovits , Marcela Cristini , Sebastián Auguste , Daniel Artana

Number of pages: 333

This book analyzes the reasons for lackluster performance selected Latin American countries in mobilizing subnational own-source revenues and explores policy options to increase these revenues as efficiently and equitably as possible. Seven case studies--Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela--span a wide range of characteristics, including federal and unitary countries, different geographical sizes, levels of economic development, and degrees of revenue decentralization. In this book, subnational governments include both intermediate and local levels of government, which are distinguished in the case studies. Together, the case studies provide a reasonably representative picture of the challenges faced throughout Latin America in mobilizing subnational own-source revenues in a manner that supports equitable growth.

Making Multilevel Public Management Work

Author: Denita Cepiku , David K. Jesuit , Ian Roberge

Number of pages: 230

Public management increasingly takes place in multilevel settings, since most countries are decentralized to one degree or another and most problems transcend and cut across administrative and geographical borders. A collaboration of scholars in the Transnational Initiative on Governance Research and Education (TIGRE Net), Making Multilevel Public Management Work: Stories of Success and Failure from Europe and North America brings together two strands of literature—multilevel governance and public management—and draws conclusions on practices of public management in multilevel governance settings. The book focuses on how to make multilevel public management work. Using an inductive logic, the editors study a particular case or a few selected cases, highlight lessons learned and implications, and identify trends and concerns. The book underscores factors essential to making multilevel public management work, namely coordination and collaboration, and new skills and leadership capacities. It discusses the pitfalls of creating networks instead of managing them and the importance of finding the right leadership skills, institutional design, and network management mechanisms to...

Municipal Finances

Author: Catherine D. Farvacque-Vitkovic , Mihaly Kopanyi

Number of pages: 528

This book tells a fascinating story on municipal finances for local government practitioners with rich examples, global practices, and good and bad experiences the authors gained in decades of field work.

The Rise of Regional Authority

Author: Assistant Professor Department of Political Science Liesbet Hooghe , Liesbet Hooghe , Gary Marks , Arjan H. Schakel

Number of pages: 240

This book measures and explains the formal authority of intermediate or regional general–purpose government in 42 countries from 1950 to 2006. Yielding a complex mosaic of scores across countries and time, the authors identify some simple and fundamental patterns.

Social Protection under Authoritarianism

Author: Xian Huang

Number of pages: 256

Why would an authoritarian regime expand social welfare provision in the absence of democratization? Yet China, the world's largest and most powerful authoritarian state, has expanded its social health insurance system at an unprecedented rate, increasing enrollment from 20 percent of its population in 2000 to 95 percent in 2012. Significantly, people who were uninsured, such as peasants and the urban poor, are now covered, but their insurance is less comprehensive than that of China's elite. With the wellbeing of 1.4 billion people and the stability of the regime at stake, social health insurance is now a major political issue for Chinese leadership and ordinary citizens. In Social Protection under Authoritarianism, Xian Huang analyzes the transformation of China's social health insurance in the first decade of the 2000s, addressing its expansion and how it is distributed. Drawing from government documents, filed interviews, survey data, and government statistics, she reveals that Chinese leaders have a strategy of "stratified expansion," perpetuating a particularly privileged program for the elites while developing an essentially modest health provision for the masses. She...

Social Protection Under Authoritarianism

Author: Assistant Professor of Political Science Xian Huang , Xian Huang

Number of pages: 266

"Why would authoritarian leaders expand social welfare provision in the absence of democratization? What are the distributive features and implications of social welfare expansion in an authoritarian country? How do authoritarian leaders design and enforce social welfare expansion in a decentralized multilevel governance setting? This book identifies the trade-off authoritarian leaders face in social welfare provision: effectively balancing between elites and masses in order to maximize the regime's survival prospects. Using government documents, filed interviews, survey data, and government statistics about Chinese social health insurance, this book reveals that the Chinese authoritarian leaders attempt to manage the distributive trade-off by a "stratified expansion" strategy, establishing an expansive yet stratified social health insurance system to perpetuate a particularly privileged program for the elites while developing an essentially modest health provision for the masses. In China's decentralized multilevel governance setting, the stratified expansion of social health insurance is implemented by local leaders who confront various fiscal and social constraints in vastly...

East Asia Decentralizes

Number of pages: 267

This report states that the future of East Asian countries depends on the capacity and performance of local and provincial governments. Decentralization has unleashed local initiative and energy, with new ways to deliver services to people, with potential for continued improvement. The report, which focuses on six countries, notes the differences in the approach to decentralizing government in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam

Fiscal Federalism

Author: Robin Boadway , Anwar Shah

Number of pages: 620

This book comprehensively examines the principles and practices of fiscal federalism based on the accepted theoretical framework and best practices.

EU Citizens’ Economic Rights in Action

Author: Sybe de Vries , Elena Ioriatti , Paolo Guarda , Elisabetta Pulice

Ever since its inception, one of the essential tasks of the EU has been to establish the internal market. Despite the impressive body of case law and legislation regarding the internal market, legal and factual barriers still exist for citizens seeking to exercise their full rights under EU law. This book analyses these barriers, and proposes ways in which they may be overcome.Next to analysing the key barriers to exercising economic rights more generally, this book focuses on three areas which represent the applications of the four basic freedoms: consumer rights, the rights of professionals in gaining access to the market, and intellectual property rights in the Digital Single Market. With chapters from leading researchers, the main pathways towards the reduction and removal of these barriers are considered. Taking into account important factors such as the global financial crisis, as well as practical barriers, such as multilingualism, the solutions provided in this book provide a pathway to enhance cross border realisation of European citizens' access to the realisation of their economic rights, as well as increase in the cultural richness of the EU.EU Citizens' Economic...

Tax Reform in Russia

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , Mark Rider , Sally Wallace

Number of pages: 268

Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Achievements and Failures during the Yeltsin Years 3. Tax Reform under Putin 4. Performance of the Tax System Before and After the Reform 5. The Structure of Taxes 6. The Evolution of Tax Administration and Tax Morale 7. Tax Policy Development and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations 8. The Next Decades of Reform References Index

Local Governance in Developing Countries

Author: Anwar Shah

Number of pages: 457

This book provides a new institutional economics perspective on alternative models of local governance, offering a comprehensive view of local government organization and finance in the developing world. The experiences of ten developing/transition economies are reviewed to draw lessons of general interest in strengthening responsive, responsible, and accountable local governance. The book is written in simple user friendly language to facilitate a wider readership by policy makers and practitioners in addition to students and scholars of public finance, economics and politics.

Inequality in China – Trends, Drivers and Policy Remedies

Author: Ms.Sonali Jain-Chandra , Niny Khor , Rui Mano , Johanna Schauer , Mr.Philippe Wingender , Juzhong Zhuang

Number of pages: 31

China has experienced rapid economic growth over the past two decades and is on the brink of eradicating poverty. However, income inequality increased sharply from the early 1980s and rendered China among the most unequal countries in the world. This trend has started to reverse as China has experienced a modest decline in inequality since 2008. This paper identifies various drivers behind these trends – including structural changes such as urbanization and aging and, more recently, policy initiatives to combat it. It finds that policies will need to play an important role in curbing inequality in the future, as projected structural trends will put further strain on equity considerations. In particular, fiscal policy reforms have the potential to enhance inclusiveness and equity, both on the tax and expenditure side.

Selected Papers from Coastlab18 Conference

Author: Javier López Lara , Maria Maza

Number of pages: 244

This book presents 16 selected papers from the 7th International Conference on The Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science, Coastlab18. The conference was organized in Santander, Spain, from 22 to 26 May, 2018, by the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria, IHCantabria. Coastlab18 welcomed 175 attendees from 18 different countries. The technical program included three renowned keynote lectures and 120 presentations focused on theoretical and practical aspects related to physical modelling in the field of coastal and ocean engineering. Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, revetments, laboratory technologies, measurement systems, coastal field measurement and monitoring, combined physical and numerical modelling, physical modelling case studies, tsunamis, and coastal hydrodynamics were the main topics covered in the conference. This book attempts to cover, as completely as possible, all the topics presented during the conference. The papers were accepted after a peer-review process based on their full text.

Urban China

Author: The World Bank;Development Research Center of the State Council

Number of pages: 624

In the last 30 years, China’s record economic growth lifted half a billion people out of poverty, with rapid urbanization providing abundant labor, cheap land, and good infrastructure. While China has avoided some of the common ills of urbanization, strains are showing as inefficient land development leads to urban sprawl and ghost towns, pollution threatens people’s health, and farmland and water resources are becoming scarce. With China’s urban population projected to rise to about one billion – or close to 70 percent of the country’s population – by 2030, China’s leaders are seeking a more coordinated urbanization process. Urban China is a joint research report by a team from the World Bank and the Development Research Center of China’s State Council which was established to address the challenges and opportunities of urbanization in China and to help China forge a new model of urbanization. The report takes as its point of departure the conviction that China's urbanization can become more efficient, inclusive, and sustainable. However, it stresses that achieving this vision will require strong support from both government and the markets for policy reforms in a ...

Public Finance in China

Author: Jiwei Lou , Shuilin Wang

Number of pages: 400

Since 1980, China's economy has been the envy of the world. Is annual growth rate of more than 9 percent during this period makes China today the world's fourth-largest economy. And this sustained growth has reduced the poverty rate from 60 percent of the population to less than 10 percent. However, such rapid growth has also increased inequalities in income and access to basic services and stressed natural resources. The government seeks to resolve these and other issues by creating a 'harmonious society' -- shifting priorities from the overriding pursuit of growth to more balanced economic and social development. This volume compiles analyses and insights from high-level Chinese policy makers and prominent international scholars that address the changes needed in public finance for success in the government's new endeavor. It examines such key policy issues as public finance and the changing role of the state; fiscal reform and revenue and expenditure assignments; intergovernmental relations and fiscal transfers; and financing and delivery of basic public goods such as compulsory education, innovation, public health, and social protection. And it offers concrete recommendations...

The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy

Author: Michael Alexeev , Shlomo Weber

Number of pages: 864

By 1999, Russia's economy was growing at almost 7% per year, and by 2008 reached 11th place in the world GDP rankings. Russia is now the world's second largest producer and exporter of oil, the largest producer and exporter of natural gas, and as a result has the third largest stock of foreign exchange reserves in the world, behind only China and Japan. But while this impressive economic growth has raised the average standard of living and put a number of wealthy Russians on the Forbes billionaires list, it has failed to solve the country's deep economic and social problems inherited from the Soviet times. Russia continues to suffer from a distorted economic structure, with its low labor productivity, heavy reliance on natural resource extraction, low life expectancy, high income inequality, and weak institutions. While a voluminous amount of literature has studied various individual aspects of the Russian economy, in the West there has been no comprehensive and systematic analysis of the socialist legacies, the current state, and future prospects of the Russian economy gathered in one book. The Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy fills this gap by offering a broad range of...

Internationalization and the Evolution of Corporate Valuation

Author: Juan Carlos Gozzi , Ross Levine , Sergio L. Schmukler

Number of pages: 47

"By documenting the evolution of Tobin's "q" before, during, and after firms internationalize, this paper provides evidence on the bonding, segmentation, and market timing theories of internationalization. Using new data on 9,096 firms across 74 countries over the period 1989-2000, we find that Tobin's "q" does not rise after internationalization, even relative to firms that do not internationalize. Instead, "q" rises significantly one year before internationalization and during the internationalization year. But, then "q" falls sharply in the year after internationalization, relinquishing the increases of the previous two years. To account for these dynamics, we show that market capitalization rises one year before internationalization and remains high, while corporate assets increase during internationalization. The evidence supports models stressing that internationalization facilitates corporate expansion, but challenges models stressing that internationalization produces an enduring effect on "q" by bonding firms to a better corporate governance system"--World Bank web site.

Art of Sharing

Author: Mary Janigan

In 1957 after a century of scathing debates and threats of provincial separation Ottawa finally tackled the dangerous fiscal inequalities among its richer and poorer provinces. Equalization grants allowed the poorer provinces to provide relatively equal services for relatively equal levels of taxation. The Art of Sharing tells the dramatic history of Canada's efforts to save itself. The introduction of federal equalization grants was controversial and wealthier provinces such as Alberta – wanting to keep more of their taxpayers' money for their own governments – continue to attack them today. Mary Janigan argues that the elusive ideal of fiscal equity in spite of dissent from richer provinces has helped preserve Canada as a united nation. Janigan goes back to Confederation to trace the escalating tensions among the provinces across decades as voters demanded more services to survive in a changing world. She also uncovers the continuing contacts between Canada and Australia as both dominions struggled to placate disgruntled member states and provinces that blamed the very act of federation for their woes. By the mid-twentieth century trapped between the demands of social...

The Oxford Handbook of Urban Economics and Planning

Author: Nancy Brooks , Kieran Donaghy , Gerrit-Jan Knaap

Number of pages: 1006

This volume embodies a problem-driven and theoretically informed approach to bridging frontier research in urban economics and urban/regional planning. The authors focus on the interface between these two subdisciplines that have historically had an uneasy relationship. Although economists were among the early contributors to the literature on urban planning, many economists have been dismissive of a discipline whose leading scholars frequently favor regulations over market institutions, equity over efficiency, and normative prescriptions over positive analysis. Planners, meanwhile, even as they draw upon economic principles, often view the work of economists as abstract, not sensitive to institutional contexts, and communicated in a formal language spoken by few with decision making authority. Not surprisingly, papers in the leading economic journals rarely cite clearly pertinent papers in planning journals, and vice versa. Despite the historical divergence in perspectives and methods, urban economics and urban planning share an intense interest in many topic areas: the nature of cities, the prosperity of urban economies, the efficient provision of urban services, efficient...

Perspectives on Fiscal Federalism

Author: Richard Miller Bird , François Vaillancourt

Number of pages: 265

This book addresses a variety of issues relating to intergovernmental finance and the provision and financing of local services including budgeting and financial management, the institutional framework for the conduct of intergovernmental relations, appropriate methods of service delivery in metropolitan agglomerations and remote rural areas, local government enterprises, user charges, property taxes, income and value-added taxes, natural resource taxes, and local business taxes. Throughout, the authors draw on experience both in Canada and in other decentralized countries and consider to vary.

Regional Development in Indonesia

Author: Indonesian Regional Science Association

Number of pages: 267

This is the 13th book published by the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA). Publication of books containing selected papers authored by its members has been one of IRSA main activities since its first annual meeting in 1998. I would like to appreciate the efforts of the editorial team for preparing the publication ofthis book. The team selected papers written by IRSA members. Most of those articles were selected from the papers presented at the 12th IRSA International Conference on “Political Economy of Regional Development in Indonesia”. This conference was held on 2-3 June 2014 in Makassar, South Sulawesi, and was organised in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics, Hasanuddin University, and the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS). Some other articles are papers presented at several seminars related or held in collaboration with IRSA in 2014. When this Foreword was written, Indonesia under the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Administration was experiencing difficult time both politically as well as economically. Jokowi has entered its eighth month of his term of office but his administration apparently has not been able to run well as expected. To make it...

Public Policy for Regional Development

Author: Jorge Martinez-Vazquez , François Vaillancourt

Number of pages: 256

This book draws on the expertise of both North American and European specialists of regional economics, evaluating the impact of economic policy in certain regions and considering alternative policies to foster regional economic development and improve the employment and income of the residents of these regions. Martinez-Vazquez and Vaillancourt have gathered chapters from a renowned international pool of experts, arguing for the importance of human capital in the regional economics process. The first section of the book examines the policy tools and process relevant to regional development, presenting evidence on both the American and Irish experience. The second focuses on the empirical evidence on the impact of taxes and public spending in Canada and the USA. The third examines methodological issues, looking particularly at Spain and Poland.

Federalism and Economic Reform

Author: Jessica Wallack , T. N. Srinivasan

This collection focuses on the ways in which federalism has affected and been affected by economic reform, especially global integration. The editors and contributors focus in particular on the political economy of institutional and economic change - how the division of authority between national and subnational governments shapes debates over policy changes, as well as how the changing economic environment creates incentives to modify the basic agreements between levels of governments. Each chapter contains a historical overview, and an in-depth account of division of authority, lines of accountability, and legislative, bureaucratic, and other arenas in which the levels of government interact for a particular country. The analyses are based on reform (or non-reform) episodes for each country - most from recent history, but some spanning the century. As a collection, the country studies span a range of developing and industrial countries with varying political systems.

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