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We have found a total of 36 books available to download

Elizabethan Parliaments 1559-1601

Author: Michael A.R. Graves , Roger Lockyer

Number of pages: 152

Michael Graves provides a clear summary of conflicting interpretations of Elizabethan parliaments and presents a new perspective, striking a balance between business and politics.

Education in Provincial France, 1800-1914

Author: Robert Gildea , Professor of Modern History Robert Gildea

Number of pages: 408

Catholic and French Forever

Author: Joseph F. Byrnes

Number of pages: 278

Joseph Byrnes recounts the fights and reconciliations between French citizens who found Catholicism integral to their traditional French identity and those who found the continued presence of Catholicism an obstacle to both happiness and progress.

French Cultural Politics & Music

Author: Jane F. Fulcher , Professor of Musicology Jane F Fulcher

Number of pages: 291

This book draws upon both musicology and cultural history to argue that French musical meanings and values from 1898 to 1914 are best explained not in terms of contemporary artistic movements but of the political culture. During these years, France was undergoing many subtle yet profound political changes. Nationalist leagues forged new modes of political activity, as Jane F. Fulcher details in this important study, and thus the whole playing field of political action was enlarged. Investigating this transitional period in light of several recent insights in the areas of French history, sociology, political anthropology, and literary theory, Fulcher shows how the new departures in cultural politics affected not only literature and the visual arts but also music. Having lost the battle of the Dreyfus affair (legally, at least), the nationalists set their sights on the art world, for they considered France's artistic achievements the ideal means for furthering their conception of "French identity." French Cultural Politics and Music: From the Dreyfus Affair to the First World War illustrates the ways in which the nationalists effectively targeted the music world for this purpose,...

Déodat de Séverac

Author: RobertF. Waters

Number of pages: 288

Dat de Srac (1872-1921) is best known for his piano music but his compositions included orchestral and vocal works, including opera, cantata and incidental music. Claude Debussy described Srac's music as "exquisite and rich with ideas." The early works were influenced by Impressionist harmonies, church modes, cyclic techniques, folk-like melodies and Andalusian motives. Srac's style changed dramatically in 1907 when he left Paris and began to include Catalan elements in his compositions - a transition that has hitherto gone unrecognized. Robert Waters provides a much-needed study of the life and works of Srac, focusing on the composer's regionalist philosophy. Srac's engagement with folk music was not a patriotic gesture in the vein of nationalistic composers, but a way of expressing regional identity within France to counter the restrictive styles sanctioned by the Paris Conservatory. His musical philosophy mirrored larger social and political debates regarding anti-centralist positions on education, politics, art and culture in fin de sie France. Such debates involved political and social leaders whom Srac knew and personally admired, including the writer Maurice Barrand the...

Peter the Great

Author: William Marshall , William M. Marshall

Number of pages: 149

SEMINAR STUDIES IN HISTORYEdited by Roger Lockyer(Emeritus Reader in History, in the University of London)This famous series examines key themes in British, European and World history in short, succinct volumes. The text is supported by primary material in a Documents section, a full bibliography and an index; where appropriate there are maps, chronologies and glossaries. All the books in the series are written by experts in the field who are not only familiar with the latest research but have often contributed to it. Works of scholarship in their own right, the books also provide a survey of current historical interpretations. Longman has now inaugurated a major programme of renewal and expansion for Seminar Studies, with many new titles and new editions in the pipeline. Existing books are being re-presented in a larger, more reader-friendly format as they reprint; and new books and new editions are being reset into an entirely new page design. Peter the Great was an unusual man and a most unusual tsar. His reign (1682-1725) had a momentous impact on the development of modern Russia and a study of it is crucial for an understanding of Russia's development from backwater to twentie

Parliamentary Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1918

Author: Eric J. Evans

Number of pages: 162

Covers the momentous reforms in the British electoral system during the period from the Great Reform Act of 1832 to 1918 when women were given the vote. The study charts the series of Reform Acts right through the period, involving rather more attention to those important changes in the 1880s which are often underplayed.

Anti-semitism Before the Holocaust

Author: Albert S. Lindemann

Number of pages: 144

*JN279-3, 0-582-36964-9, Lindemann, Albert, Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust*? An important new study on a complex and highly controversial topic, anti-Semitism over the past three thousand years, from ancient times right through to the twentieth century inter-war period and the Nazi Holocaust. Books in this Seminar Studies in History series bridge the gap between textbook and specialist survey and consists of a brief "Introduction" and/or "Background" to the subject, valuable in bringing the reader up-to-speed on the area being examined, followed by a substantial and authoritative section of "Analysis" focusing on the main themes and issues. There is a succinct "Assessment" of the subject, a generous selection of "Documents" and a detailed bibliography. Examines all countries where anti-Semitism manifested itself including Russia, the US, Poland, England, Germany, South Africa and Holland. those interested in Jewish History or the study of anti-Semitism.

Fathers, Families, and the State in France, 1914-1945

Author: Kristen Stromberg Childers

Number of pages: 261

The state's policy with regard to fathers and fatherhood had a great impact on concepts of citizenship and gender in France in the era of the two World Wars. Drawing on new material that has only recently become available from the archives of the Vichy regime, Kristen Stromberg Childers analyzes the ways fathers were promoted as saviors of the nation after France's humiliating defeat by the Germans in June 1940. Childers argues that concern for the family and for the status of fathers in modern France was not merely a response to falling birthrates and German aggression, but was fundamental to the very notion of citizenship and political participation. The debate on men as gendered beings, Childers demonstrates, is central to the political, social, and cultural history of France in the modern age. The father figure became a focus as participants from all classes and across the political spectrum debated what was wrong with the French family and what policies were needed to remedy the problem. Childers examines how these policies were implemented, what they reveal about the development of the welfare state in France, and how they help explain the importance of Vichy in...

France Since 1870

Author: Charles Sowerwine

Number of pages: 541

Widely praised when it was first published, this new edition has been brought up to the present and thoroughly revised to take into account the latest research. It now includes maps and more coverage of topics such as: racial strife, colonial difficulties, France's role in post-war European integration (including the EU), and women and gender.

Musical Encounters at the 1889 Paris World's Fair

Author: Annegret Fauser , Cary C Boshamer Distinguished Professor & Adjunct Professor of Women's and Gender Studies Annegret Fauser

Number of pages: 391

The 1889 Exposition universelle in Paris is famous as a turning point in the history of French music, and modern music generally. This book explores the ways in which music was used, exhibited, listened to, and written about during the Exposition universelle. It also reveals the sociopolitical uses of music in France during the 19th century.

The Waning of Emancipation

Author: Guy Miron

Number of pages: 320

Explores the role of public memory and images of the past in the Jewish communities of Germany, France, and Hungary as they faced changing political and social conditions.

The Renaissance

Author: Alison Brown

Number of pages: 139

A study of the Renaissance, considering the influence of classical ideas on Italy, with a focus on the central role of Florence in the movement.

The Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 9, World Christianities C.1914-c.2000

Author: Emeritus Professor of Church History Hugh McLeod , Hugh McLeod , Frances Margaret Young , K. Scott Bowie , Margaret Mary Mitchell , Augustine Casiday , Frederick W. Norris , Michael Angold , Thomas F. X. Noble , Julia M. H. Smith , Stewart Jay Brown , Cambridge University Press , Roberta A. Baranowski , Sheridan Gilley , Miri Rubin , R. Po-chia Hsia , Brian Stanley , Walter Simons , Timothy Tackett

Number of pages: 717

A comprehensive history of Christianity in the century when it truly became a global religion.

Poverty and Poor Law Reform in Britain

Author: David Englander

Number of pages: 142

This work explores the changing attitudes to poverty from Victorian times to the outbreak of World War One. It is supplemented by a range of primary source material including the Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws, 1834.

The Reign of Mary I

Author: Robert Tittler

Number of pages: 116

In this study, Robert Tittler, an expert in Marian research, provides an important reappraisal of Mary's reign - often written off as a failure. He considers whether her reign can be so easily dismissed as an unproductive interruption of the Tudor dynasty, or whether Mary's reign played a more distinctive part in this period of history.

The First World War

Author: Stuart Robson

Number of pages: 155

Examines the historical and cultural events preceding, during, and following the First World War.

The Scramble for Africa

Author: Muriel Evelyn Chamberlain , M. E. Chamberlain

Number of pages: 144

Uses case histories from Egypt to Zimbabwe to explore the European conquest and partition of Africa, contrasting the Victorian image of Africa with the results of twentieth-century research on the history of the continent.

The Second World War in Europe

Author: S. P. Mackenzie

Number of pages: 150

"Let them burn. They're a lot of cattle anyway."A factory-owner's response regarding the use of fire drills in March 1911.and and and and and Touched by Fire, Irene N. Watt's exquisite new novel, explores one family's journey as they flee from the pogroms of Russia in 1905, where the Cossacks burn villages to the ground, to Berlin, Germany, where Jews have a hard time living and working in peace, to the streets of the Lower East Side in New York. Teenage Miriam gives a first-hand account of the excitement everyone feels about going to America, the "Golden Land," the journey in steerage, the arrival at Ellis Island, and the discrimination the immigrants feel while seeking employment. When Miriam finally lands a job at the Triangle Shirt Waist Company as a cuff setter, she believes her future in the New World is finally secure. But on March 25, 1911, the fire that starts from overflowing bins of material scraps rages into what becomes known as the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and Miriam's life is forever changed.

The Inter-war Crisis 1919-1939

Author: R. J. Overy

Number of pages: 142

Looks at world history during the time between the First and Second World wars.

The Italian Risorgimento

Author: Martin Clark

Number of pages: 144

Through successive editions, Management and Welfare of Farm Animals has gained international recognition as a classic introductory textbook for students of agriculture and veterinary science. Conceived by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), the book has always sought to promote the humane treatment of livestock within the practical business context of modern farming. Now fully revised and updated, this fifth edition remains the most comprehensive and accessible guide available. Three animal groups appear here for the first time (game birds, South American camelids, and ostriches), and a chapter on horses has also been restored. Throughout, the book offers clear advice for the humane management of all major farmed species in the primary context of large-scale food production. However, this edition also takes full account of consumer demand (and legal requirements) for alternative farming methods and enhanced welfare standards, whether in conventional agriculture or the smallest of 'hobby' farms. Brand new chapters reflect fresh understanding of welfare science, ethics, and the role of society in ensuring the best possible farm conditions. It remains an...

Napoleon and Europe

Author: D. G. Wright

Number of pages: 137

This study provides both an introduction to, and an overview of, Napoleon's impact on France and Europe. It explores his origins and personality, assesses his contribution to the crucial changes in the conduct of warfare during this period, and examines the reasons for the ultimate defeat of his armies and the collapse of the Empire. It concludes with a brief study of the Napoleonic legend and the historical controversies which surround it.

The Weimar Republic

Author: John Hiden , J. W. Hiden

Number of pages: 118

This text argues that the Weimar Republic was not doomed from its conception at the Treaty of Versailles and therefore it was a complex set of factors which allowed Hitler to rise to power. This edition features an updated and extended bibliography and rev

The Origins of the Second World War

Author: R. J. Overy

Number of pages: 145

Exploring the major themes which explain the development of international affairs leading up to 1939, this book provides an up-to-date interpretation of the outbreak of World War II.

Bismarck and Germany, 1862-1890

Author: D. G. Williamson

Number of pages: 142

With new material added this is the first revision of the 1986 study that analysed Bismarck's role in the complex events that led up to the creation of a united Germany in 1871.

The Restoration and the England of Charles II

Author: John Miller

Number of pages: 134

Chronicles the twenty-five year reign of Charles II under whose rule Parliament kept most of the powers it had won under Cromwell and shared governing authority with the king.

Social Movements, 1768-2004

Author: Charles Tilly , Director Center for Studies of Social Change and Professor of History and Sociology Charles Tilly, PhD

Number of pages: 194

Since their invention by Westerners in the 18th century, social movements became vehicles of popular politics across the world. Tilly provides rich insights into the origins of contemporary movement practices, social movements & democratisation, & likelyfutures.

Hofgesellschaft und Höflinge an europäischen Fürstenhöfen in der Frühen Neuzeit (15.-18. Jh.)

Author: Klaus Malettke , Chantal Grell

Number of pages: 542

De lingua Latina novae quaestiones

Author: Claude Moussy

Number of pages: 1074

Présente des communications de linguistique latine, de nature diverse et faisant appel à des méthodes inspirées par différentes écoles linguistiques. Elles sont ordonnées selon 5 grands thèmes : phonétique et morphologie, syntaxe et pragmatique, lexicologie et sémantique, stylistique et métrique, histoire de la langue.

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