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Has God Spoken?

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 400

Are Christians Guilty of Blind Faith, or Is The Bible Really God's Inspired Word? Can You Ever Know For Sure? Join best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff for a stirring defense of the Bible as the Word of God and your only reliable foundation for life. In answering the riveting question, “Has God spoken?”, Hanegraaff uses manuscript evidence, archeology, predictive prophecy, and much more to memorably demonstrate that the Bible is divine rather than merely human in origin. Hanegraaff demolishes modern objections to Scripture, such as: There are more mistakes in manuscript copies of the Bible than there are words in the New Testament. The biblical account of King David is no more factual than tales of King Arthur—there simply is no evidence in archeology or history for Israel’s quintessential king. Contemporary prophets are proven 100 percent wrong, 100 percent of the time, and biblical prophets are just as unreliable. Has God Spoken? joins its predecessors—The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution and Resurrection—as Hanegraaff’s final book in a trilogy that provides complete and compelling answers to the most critical issues facing Christians today.


Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 256

If there was ever a need-to-know book, Afterlife is it. On his daily call-in radio show, the most common questions Hanegraff fields are about the hereafter. For instance, millions are voraciously reading about the near-death experiences of young children. Consumers are desperate for knowledge and reassurance about what comes after life on the earth. Hank Hanegraff, one of the most remarkable theological minds of the 21st century, explains the marvelous way this physical life connects our past to our eternal future. Afterlife gives reader a clear and concrete understanding about what happens after death to us and to those we love.


Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 288

Is Islam a peaceful and tolerant religion? For all the debate over Islam and its growing presence in the world, one thing is often overlooked: Islam is not a religion in the sanitized Western sense. It is, in contrast, an all-encompassing sociopolitical legal matrix that has bred a worldview antagonistic to anything but itself. While there may be millions of peaceful and tolerant Muslims, many of them our neighbors, Islam itself is hardly peaceful and tolerant. Islam is the only significant religious system in the history of the human race with a sociopolitical structure of laws that mandate violence against the infidel. The current narrative is that to tell the truth in this regard is tantamount to radicalizing Muslims and exacerbating hostilities that may otherwise lie dormant. A common refrain has reverberated throughout the West: “Islam is not our enemy.” As well-intentioned as this mantra may be, it is a potentially dangerous stance once someone understands Islam in full. Despite its incoherence, Islam—one billion six hundred million strong and growing—is poised to fill the vacuum left by a Western culture slouching inexorably towards Gomorrah. Demographics alone are...

Truth Matters, Life Matters More

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 224

Be prepared to have your eyes opened and your perceptions challenged in this surprising and important masterwork from one of the great theological minds of our time. Throughout his lengthy career as a student of Scripture and as an apologist and teacher, Hank Hanegraaff has always argued passionately for the importance of biblical truth and biblical understanding. Through his many published books and his long-running radio show, Bible Answer Man, his name has become synonymous with commitment to both theological rigor and an explanation of theological truth that is digestible for the lay believer. In the first half of this compelling and powerful book, Hank lays out the clear case for the importance of biblical truth in our time in the persuasive and practical way that only he can. In the surprising and unexpected second half of the book, he explores biblical truth not as an end but as a pathway to the ultimate truth—the personhood of God. Hank explains with both precision and compassion that the Bible is a map God has given us to draw us deeper into Himself, and that we cheat ourselves of real truth when we elevate the message above the Messenger.

The Last Sacrifice

Author: Hank Hanegraaff , Sigmund Brouwer

Number of pages: 416

Helius, Nero’s most trusted adviser, anticipates the death of his sworn enemy, the legendary warrior Gallus Sergius Vitas, scheduled to die a gruesome death in the arena. However, the badly beaten man who appears in the amphitheater is not who he seems. Rescued by a stranger and given a mysterious scroll, Vitas is told he must decipher this letter to find the answers he needs—a letter that Helius is also determined to decipher and to keep hidden from Nero. As Nero’s reign of terror grows, so does his circle of enemies.

The Last Disciple

Author: Hank Hanegraaff , Sigmund Brouwer

Number of pages: 448

First-century Rome is a perilous city as Nero stalks the political circles and huddled groups of believers. To be safe, Christians must remain invisible. Gallus Sergius Vitas is the only man within Nero’s trusted circle willing to do what it takes to keep the empire together. He struggles to lessen Nero’s monstrosities against the people of Rome—especially the Christians. But as three Greek letters are scrawled as graffiti throughout the city, Nero’s anger grows. As the early church begins to experience the turbulence Christ prophesied as the beginning of the last days, an enemy seeks to find John’s letter, Revelation, and destroy it. Meanwhile the early Christians must decipher it and cling to the hope it provides as they face the greatest of all persecutions.

Hell Is for Real

Author: Kip Phelps

Number of pages: 102

Most people don't believe in a literal, burning hell. Evidence indicates, however, that hell is real, its punishments are fierce, and its population is enormous.

The Last Temple

Author: Hank Hanegraaff , Sigmund Brouwer

Number of pages: 368

Set in the turbulent years just before one of the most horrendous events in Jewish history, The Last Temple concludes the trilogy of The Last Disciple and The Last Sacrifice. Vitas is reunited with his wife and retires to Alexandria, determined to live a quiet, domestic life. But he can’t avoid the debts that he owes to the men who saved him, and he becomes a key figure in the plot to rid the empire of Nero. It sweeps him into the “year of four emperors,” when the Roman Empire is nearly destroyed, and takes him back to Jerusalem as Titus lays siege to the great city. Only then, as the prophecy of Jesus begins to unfold, does Vitas discover the true mission set before him and the astounding conspiracy behind it.

Russia Rising

Author: Mark Hitchcock

Number of pages: 240

Russia, again, is on the move. The news headlines proclaim it. Georgia was first. Then, Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea. Meddling in the elections of the United States followed. For the fourth straight year, Forbes has ranked Vladimir Putin as the world’s most powerful person—even above the president of the United States. Like it or not, the world has descended into a new Putin-led Cold War 2.0. As the storm clouds gather, America sleeps. Russian’s hand in Syria and its closer ties to Iran are especially alarming to those who know Bible prophecy and the book of Ezekiel. Putin is poised right now on Israel’s northern border—an ominous sign of our times. What does the Bible say about our troubling times? In Russia Rising, Mark Hitchcock, popular speaker and Bible prophecy expert, explores the history of Russia and its current military moves. He will explain the biblical prophecies related to Russia, the Middle East, and the end times. The tracks of the Russian bear lead to the Middle East and Israel. Are we on a collision course with Russia?

To Know with Certainty

Author: G. Lee Southard Ph.D.

Number of pages: 172

This book prepares the reader to: 1. Know the evidence for the existence of God and how God speaks and how to speak back; 2. Know the evidence for Jesus as an historical person, His death and resurrection. 3. Know the evidence for the authenticity and reliability of the Bible. 4. Know the historical evidence for the role that the church played in Western Civilization and in the making of America. 5. Know the evidence supporting naturalism and the Theory of Evolution versus the cosmological and scientific evidence that supports God as creator of the heavens and the earth and as the creator of man. 6. Know God precreation plan and purpose. 7. Know that in any circumstance, armed with this evidence, you can confidently be an effective witness for a sovereign God and Jesus Christ and help change the world.

The Real Deal: Making the Case for the One True God

Author: Rev. Peter Hendriks Okello

Number of pages: 216

This book explains differences between the content of the Bible and the Qur’an and between the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran. The resulting identity of Allah serves as a wake-up call for many Christians, especially for those who think that the God of the Bible and Islam’s Allah are identical. Despite growing, militant Muslim behavior throughout the world, especially against Christians and Jews, many Christian leaders in churches and politics seem to be ignorant of the growing threat of Islam to their communities. Many examples of explicit Muslim’s inhuman behavior substantiate the global Muslim threat to completely destroy Jewish and Christian communities throughout the world. This book helps readers understand that there is a significant and most strenuous spiritual battle going on in the heavenly spheres between demons (fallen angels) and angels as ministers of God. This spiritual battle is reflected in the hearts and minds of men and women today. This book suggests how Christians need to be united in a biblical response to the growing threat of militant Islam to bring the entire world under the rule of Sharia law and worship of Islam’s Allah.

When the Holy Spirit Reveals

Author: MR Gregg N. Huestis

Number of pages: 206

When the Holy Spirit Reveals covers 12 separate, yet intertwined, topics. The primary point of each chapter: challenge the reader to reevaluate what he or she believes on each subject, such as, the power of the spoken word, visualization and Scripture, Paul's Thorn in the flesh, women in the ministry, tithing. I want the reader to research all subjects for one's self and make their own decision based on researching God's Word.

Person of Interest

Author: J. Warner Wallace

Number of pages: 336

Can the truth about Jesus be uncovered--even without a body or a crime scene? Join cold-case detective and bestselling author J. Warner Wallace as he investigates Jesus using an innovative and unique approach he employs to solve real missing person murder cases. In Person of Interest, Wallace carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone, without relying on the New Testament. You'll understand like never before how Jesus, the most significant person in history, changed the world. Features: Join a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus using the same approach he employs to solve real murder cases Marvel at the way Jesus changed the world as you investigate why Jesus still matters today Learn how to use an innovative and unique "fuse and fallout" investigative strategy that you can also use to examine other claims of history Explore and learn how to respond to common objections to Christianity Detective J. Warner Wallace listened to a pastor talk about Jesus and wondered why anyone would think Jesus was a person of interest. Wallace was skeptical of the Bible, but he’d investigated several no-body homicide cases in which there was no crime scene, no...


Author: Kieran Beville

Number of pages: 202

In an age obsessed with physical and psychological health the author emphasizes the importance of spiritual well-being as an essential element of holistic health for the individual Christian and for Christian communities. This work constitutes a template for a spiritual audit of the local church. It offers an appointment with the Great Physician that no Christian can afford to ignore. Developing Healthy Churches: A Case-Study in Revelation begins with a well-researched outline of the origins and development of the church health movement. With that background in mind the author, aware that throughout the history of the church there have been a number of diverse views about how Revelation ought to be interpreted, presents the reader with four distinct interpretive models. These are the idealist, preterist, historicist, and futurist. Beville explains these interpretive approaches simply and critiques them fairly. Revelation is a complex but intriguing book which presents seven letters to the churches of Asia Minor. However, this easy-to-read work will take readers to the heart of the matter by taking them to the heart of Jesus. The historical and cultural background provides...

Christianity In Crisis: The 21st Century

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 448

Nearly two decades ago Hank Hanegraaff’s award-winning Christianity in Crisis alerted the world to the dangers of a cultic movement within Christianity that threatened to undermine the very foundation of biblical faith. But in the 21st century, there are new dangers—new teachers who threaten to do more damage than the last. These are not obscure teachers that Hanegraaff unmasks. We know their names. We have seen their faces, sat in their churches, and heard them shamelessly preach and promote the false pretexts of a give-to-get gospel. They are virtual rock stars who command the attention of presidential candidates and media moguls. Through make-believe miracles, urban legends, counterfeit Christs, and twisted theological reasoning, they peddle an occult brand of metaphysics that continues to shipwreck the faith of millions around the globe: “God cannot do anything in this earthly realm unless we give Him permission.” “Keep saying it—‘I have equality with God’—talk yourself into it.” “Being poor is a sin.” “The Jews were not rejecting Jesus as Messiah; it was Jesus who was refusing to be the Messiah to the Jews!” “You create your own world the same...

The Mirror of Christianity, Cults, and the Catholic Church

Author: Richard Bennett

Number of pages: 418

Are we on the brink of a theological war between Conservative Protestant Christianity and the new Charismatic Protestant Christian movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation, (NAR)? Are they as demonic as some well known pastors say? A very debated question. This is a book that must be read by every ex-Catholic that perhaps has second thoughts. Reading this book is assurance the decision was right. And let us not forget those Prosperity preachers who constantly ask for money. This book exposes them even to their very core beliefs which are shocking and unbelievable.

The Complete Bible Answer Book

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 560

This beautiful leather-bound Collector's Edition will allow you to dig deeper and the find the answers you've been looking for! Hank Hanegraaff has heard it all. He knows what questions plague believers and nonbelievers. And he's done something about it—he's spelled out the answers. The Complete Bible Answer Book is a simple guide covering over 170 of the top questions that the Bible Answer Man has dealt with in his ministry. Topics include parents and kids, religions, difficulty, faith, fear, sin, salvation, and many more issues vital to understanding the path to better understanding God. Each question is approached in Hanegraaff's scholarly, easy-to-understand style, and he even suggests additional sources for readers who want to explore the topics further.

The Heart of Christmas

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 128

Have Yourself a Historical and Inspirational Christmas! Let the Christ of Christmas prepare your heart for the celebration of His birth through a devotional journey beginning December 1st and climaxing Christmas day. Each of the twenty-five devotions includes a Scripture reading, carol, and questions for meditation and discussion. The acronym C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S (Christ, History, Resurrection, Incarnation, Santa Claus, Traditions, Miracles, Advent, Salvation) is used to focus on who Christ is and why He came.

Counterfeit Revival

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 412

Hank Hanegraaff documents the danger of looking for God in all the wrong places and goes behind the scenes into the wildly popular and bizarre world of contemporary revivalism. Hanegraaff masterfully exposes the stark contrast between these deeds of the flesh and a genuine work of the Spirit by contrasting modern "revivals" with the scriptural examples of God's movement among His people.

The Last Disciple Collection: The Last Disciple / The Last Sacrifice / The Last Temple

Author: Hank Hanegraaff , Sigmund Brouwer

Number of pages: 1232

This collection bundles together all 3 of the thrilling Roman historical novels by Hank Hanegraaff and Sigmund Brouwer into one e-book for a great value! #1: The Last Disciple First-century Rome is a perilous city as Nero stalks the political circles and huddled groups of believers. To be safe, Christians must remain invisible. Gallus Sergius Vitas is the only man within Nero’s trusted circle willing to do what it takes to keep the empire together. He struggles to lessen Nero’s monstrosities against the people of Rome—especially the Christians. But as three Greek letters are scrawled as graffiti throughout the city, Nero’s anger grows. As the early church begins to experience the turbulence Christ prophesied as the beginning of the last days, an enemy seeks to find John’s letter, Revelation, and destroy it. Meanwhile the early Christians must decipher it and cling to the hope it provides as they face the greatest of all persecutions. #2: The Last Sacrifice Helius, Nero’s most trusted adviser, anticipates the death of his sworn enemy, the legendary warrior Gallus Sergius Vitas, scheduled to die a gruesome death in the arena. However, the badly beaten man who appears in...

The Bible Answer Book for Students

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 271

Once again the Bible Answer Man brings his straightforward style to address 82 crucial and challenging questions asked by students ranging from high school through college.

The Bible Answer Book

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 256

The Bible Answer Book Volume 1 covered 81 of the top questions that Hank Hangegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, has answered in his ministry. Now he's coming back in Volume II with more questions and answers. Selected from among the thousands of topics he's addressed over the years, topics include family, faith, fear, sin, salvation, and many more issues vital to better understanding God. Each question is approached in Hanegraaff's scholarly, concise, yet easy-to-understand style, and he even suggests additional sources for readers who want to explore the topics further.

The Covering

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 132

In a world where evil seems to lurk around every corner and our thoughts turn to worry about our safety and security, the armor of God is our Father's protection in the fight against evils of our temporary home. Best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff describes God's protective covering over his children by dissecting Paul's words in Ephesians 6: 10-18 commanding us to put on the armor of God and "take our stand against the devil's schemes." Hanegraaff moves through the passage, phrase by phrase, defining God's armor, explaining what it means to embrace God's covering, and the practical ways God delivers us from evil.

The Apocalypse Code

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 336

Hank Hanegraaff reveals the code to Revelation. Breaking the code of the book of Revelation has become an international obsession. The result, according to Hank Hanegraaff, has been rampant misreading of Scripture, bad theology, and even bad politics and foreign policy. Hanegraaff argues that the key to understanding the last book of the Bible is the other sixty-five books of the Bible — not current events or recent history and certainly not any complicated charts. The Apocalypse Code offers sane answers to some very controversial questions: What does it mean to take the book of Revelation (and the rest of the Bible) literally? Who are the “Antichrist” and the “Great Whore of Babylon,”and what is the real meaning of “666”? How does our view of the end times change the way we think about the crisis in the Middle East? Are two-thirds of all Jews really headed for an apocalyptic holocaust? The Apocalypse Code is a call to understand what the Bible really says about the end times and why how we understand it matters so much in today’s world. “Provocative and passionate, this fascinating book is a must-read for everyone who’s interested in end-times...

Christianity in Crisis

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 586

Hank Hanegraaff's theme is that there are scores of influential teachers who use the media to promote antibiblical doctrines and subvert the historic Christian faith. His expose' is accompanied by solutions for restoring Christ-centered Christianity.

7 Questions of a Promise Keeper

Author: Tom Fortson , Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 128

To get the right answers, you have to start with the right questions.

Jesus "The Way, the Truth and the Life"

Author: Thd Dr Ronald Bish

Number of pages: 478

"Jesus - The Way, The Truth and The Life" will prove that Jesus is the only Way to God, the very embodiment of all Truth and the very essence of Life, just as He declared of Himself in the fourteenth chapter and sixth verse of the gospel of John by saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through Me."This book will show using systematic theology, proofs and truth arguments that Jesus is exactly who He says He is, confirmed by God the Father, the Holy Spirit and by Christ Himself.Jesus said in Mark 8; 27 of scripture "Who do you say I Am." This book will make it obvious why you must answer this pointed question just as Peter did in claiming to Jesus that "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Time is getting short and Jesus is on His way back to earth. It's not a time to be confused or wrong on issues having eternal consequences.Though the book reads as a college textbook it forces you to think and study the word of God. The book is most valuable in a curriculum setting or for those interested in Christian apologetics. Jesus is compared to a myriad of other secular philosophies both past and present and as a result it is...

Last Words of Jesus

Author: Stu Epperson Jr.

Number of pages: 176

Readers will experience a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ thorough examination of what Jesus said, why He said it, and how His powerful words continue to change lives forever.

Christianity in Crisis Study Guide

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 447

The author of the 100,000+ bestseller Christianity in Crisis now offers an exciting companion to this revealing book about the Faith Movement. This study guide follows the book chapter by chapter and enables Bible students to interact directly with Scripture about many issues distorted by the Faith teachers.

Let No One Deceive You

Author: Michael L. Brown

Number of pages: 295

When people dispute the validity of current revivals, how do you know who is right? Dr. Brown looks at current revivals and at the arguments critics are using to question their validity. After examining Scripture, historical revivals, and the fruits of the current ones, Dr. Brown comes to a logical conclusion: God's Spirit is moving.

The Prayer of Jesus for You

Author: Hank Hanegraaff

Number of pages: 104

Now tweens and teens can also experience the power of praying Jesus' way! This 30-day prayer journal based on Hank Hanegraaff's "The Prayer of Jesus," which has sold over 250,000 books, teaches foundational principles of prayer-but with fun, easy-to-understand applications. After an age-appropriate message, readers are prompted to record their own thoughts and prayers in a cool prayer tracker.

Eat My Martian Dust

Author: Michael Carroll , Robert Elmer

Number of pages: 255

Presents fifteen adventures set in a future where people of faith find an unchanging God, no matter how far they travel. Includes sidebars on the science behind the stories and journal entries that tie each story to the central theme.

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