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Marine Protected Areas

Author: S. Gubbay

Number of pages: 232

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have an important role in marine conserva tion programmes around the world. Although most have been established relatively recently when compared with protected areas on land, there is considerable expertise on their identification, setting up and management. Some techniques have been adapted from those used on land. Others are novel, and unique to marine conservation. The chapters in this book give an insight into this fast developing field where experiment and innovation work alongside techniques which have been tried and tested. The guiding princi ples behind key stages in the setting up and management of MP As are described, and case studies illustrate how they have worked. While it is most encouraging to read about the successes, the case studies also point to difficulties which have been encountered. Not all of the examples are new or recent but, together, they illustrate what is happening in this field.

Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries

Author: Jürgen Ritterhoff , Susan Gubbay , Zucco, Catherine

Number of pages: 117

Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution

Author: J. C. Avise

Number of pages: 511

Molecular approaches have opened new windows on a host of ecological and evolutionary disciplines, ranging from population genetics and behavioral ecology to conservation biology and systematics. Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution summarizes the multi-faceted discoveries about organisms in nature that have stemmed from analyses of genetic markers provided by polymorphic proteins and DNAs. The first part of the book introduces rationales for the use of molecular markers, provides a history of molecular phylogenetics, and describes a wide variety of laboratory methods and interpretative tools in the field. The second and major portion of the book provides a cornucopia of biological applications for molecular markers, organized along a scale from micro-evolutionary topics (such as forensics, parentage, kinship, population structure, and intra-specific phylogeny) to macro-evolutionary themes (including species relationships and the deeper phylogenetic structure in the tree of life). Unlike most prior books in molecular evolution, the focus is on organismal natural history and evolution, with the macromolecules being the means rather than the ends of scientific inquiry....

Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries

Author: Jürgen Ritterhoff , Susan Gubbay , Catherine Zucco

Number of pages: 117

Towards a Strategy for High Seas Marine Protected Areas

Author: Kristina M. Gjerde , Charlotte Breide

Number of pages: 181

The aim [of this workshop] was to develop an action plan to promote a system of ... areas to ensure long-term protection of ecosystem processes, biological diversity and productivity beyond national jurisdiction.

Managing Marine Protected Areas

Author: Nancy Marie Foster , Michele H. Lemay

Number of pages: 63

Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas

Author: Markus J. Kachel

Number of pages: 376

Designations of large Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs) triggered a controversial debate within the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) concerning the legal basis of PSSAs, the relationship between the IMO’s PSSA guidelines and UNCLOS, as well as the competency of IMO to adopt mandatory protective measures in these areas. As a result, IMO conducted a review process which led to substantially updated guidelines adopted in late 2005. This book provides a detailed analysis of the PSSA guidelines and protective measures available in PSSAs. Emphasis is placed on their legal basis and the implications for coastal states' jurisdiction over vessel-source pollution.

Sustainable Development and the Law of the Sea

Author: Zou Keyuan

Number of pages: 324

Sustainable Development and the Law of the Sea offers international legal perspectives on ocean uses including fisheries management, sustainable use of marine non-living resources, and marine protected areas in the context of sustainable development.

Guidelines for applying the IUCN protected area management categories to marine protected areas

Specially Protected Marine Areas in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

Author: Thomas Dux

Number of pages: 519

This thesis examines the question of what States are legally empowered to do under international law when they seek to protect certain areas of their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). In this context, the regulation of shipping and other human activities under the Law of the Sea Convention and, in particular, the regime for special areas under Article 211(6) of the Convention are addressed. Global and regional instruments containing mechanisms to protect specific areas are discussed and relevant State practice is considered with a view to possible implications on customary international law. Finally, guidance is given as to what States can practically do to protect specific areas of their EEZ for environmental reason. (Series: Schriften zum See- und Hafenrecht - Vol. 18)

Breaking Ice

Author: Arctic Institute of North America

Number of pages: 396

Includes fifteen papers taken from a project undertaken by the Oceans Management Research Network that examines carefully the nature of Arctic environmental evolution and sustainability. This title attempts to define the nature of competing demands and assess their impact on the environment.

Comprendre la Culture Des Communautés de Pêcheurs

Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Number of pages: 352

Le pr�sent document a pour objet d'aider les responsables des p�ches � mieux comprendre la culture des communaut�s de petits p�cheurs. Gr�ce � cette compr�hension, ils seront davantage en mesure d'�laborer des politiques et des m�thodes de gestion plus efficaces et d'aider les gens de ces communaut�s � am�liorer leurs conditions de vie. Le document passe en revue des m�thodes cens�es faciliter le recueil d'informations pertinentes et fiables concernant la culture des communaut�s de petits p�cheurs, tout en proc�dant dans le respect des r�gles d�ontologiques, et en observant de strictes contraintes de budget et de calendrier. Les recommandations expos�es � la fin du document proposent des moyens � mettre en oeuvre pour atteindre les objectifs susmentionn�s et soulignent l'importance de la pr�servation des droits d'acc�s des petits p�cheurs aux ressources halieutiques, tout en int�grant pleinement leur culture � la politique et aux pratiques de gestion des p�ches. Six �tudes de cas consacr�es � des communaut�s contemporaines de petits p�cheurs appartenant � diff�rentes r�gions culturelles dans le monde sont...

Reflections on the Contemporary Law of the Sea

Author: Helmut Tuerk

Number of pages: 211

Reflections on the Contemporary Law of the Sea describes the development and the present state of the law of the sea, particularly in light of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, also drawing attention to some of the problems facing the international community.

Marine Sanctuaries Program Reauthorization

Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Oceanography

Number of pages: 169

Future Nature

Author: William Mark Adams

Number of pages: 276

This revised edition of Bill Adams classic work Future Naturetackles the new challenges in the countryside and wildlife conservation head-on through a new Introduction and Postscript with updated arguments about naturalness and our social engagement with nature, and complemented by a new Foreword by Adrian Phillips. Concepts such as biodiversity and sustainability, and changes in our understanding, appreciation and concern for nature, offer unprecedented opportunities. Bill Adams explores the scientific, cultural and economic significance of conservation. He argues that conservation must move beyond the boundaries of parks and reserves to embrace the whole countryside.

Coastal Zone Planning and Management

Author: Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain)

Number of pages: 327

The objective of coastal management is the preservation of coastal resources whilst simultaneously satisfying the sometimes conflicting interests and requirements of protection, development, usage and conservation. Given the ever increasing awareness of coastal planning and management on an integrated basis this volume compounds the general change in perspective.

Understanding the Cultures of Fishing Communities

Author: James R. McGoodwin , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Number of pages: 287

Small-scale fishing accounts for almost 95% of the world's fishing, and it has been estimated that small-scale fishing activities support the livelihoods of more than 200 million people worldwide. The purpose of this document is to help fisheries officials gain a clearer understanding of the cultures of small-scale fishing communities. It is hoped this will enable the development of more successful management policies and practices, and empower people in such communities to improve their livelihoods. The document highlights the importance of sustaining the rights of access to resources, and the integration of cultural considerations into fisheries management policies. It includes six case studies from distinct cultural regions of the world.

The Coastal Environment

Author: Gary A. Klee , Klee

Number of pages: 281

This book is an introduction to coastal and marine sanctuary management--the interrelationship between coastal land issues and adjacent marine sanctuary concerns. Specifically, it is about understanding, monitoring, and managing these two related areas for their mutual benefit.

The North Sea

Author: David A.C. Freestone , Ton Ijlstra

Number of pages: 356

The North Sea, one of the most intensively used sea-areas in the world, may well be one of the most intensively regulated sea-areas as well. As human activity developed in the North Sea national & later international regulations followed these developments. The result has been what is commonly called a piecemeal approach. The legal regime of the North Sea has developed in an incremental manner. Thus one conventional instrument after the other, covering different user-functions like vessel-source pollution, fisheries, ocean dumping & land-based pollution, was adopted. In contrast to more modern approaches these legal instruments have their own framework. The result is that the instruments are scattered in many different documents, & even for the more well informed North Sea watcher it is difficult to obtain a comprehensive overview of the regulatory instruments. The North Sea: Basic Legal Documents on Regional Environmental Co-operation offers a comprehensive view of the instruments dealing with all sources of marine pollution in the North Sea, be they ocean dumping, land-based pollution or vessel-source pollution. The book contains many legal documents, including maps & tables. It ...

Coastal Zone Protection and Planning

Author: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Environment Committee

Exploring Maritime Cooperation in Northeast Asia

Author: Tal-chung Kim

Number of pages: 243

Expressions of Customary Marine Tenure and Environmental Entitlements

Author: Mark A. Calamia

Number of pages: 1122

World Who Is Who and Does What in Environment and Conservation

Author: Nicholas Polunin

Number of pages: 600

Qaidu (1236-1301), one of the great rebels in the history of the Mongol Empire, was the grandson of Ogedei, the son Genghis Khan had chosen to be his heir. This boof recounts the dynastic convolutions and power struggle leading up to his rebellion and subsequent events.

Status of the World Ocean and Its Biodiversity

Author: Don E. McAllister

Number of pages: 72

Irish Sea Study Group Report: Exploitable living resources

Author: Irish Sea Study Group

Parks for Life

Number of pages: 150

This plan sets out the policies and actions needed to ensure an adequate, effective and well-managed network of protected areas in Europe. It outlines how potential areas should be integrated with other sectors, such as agriculture, forestry and tourism; sets out priorities at European, sub-regional and national level; proposes actions to strengthen the legal framework, planning and management of Europe's protected areas, and explains how to create the public support necessary for success. Over 200 individuals and institutions have contributed to what has become IUCN's largest-ever exercise in regional collaboration between government agencies, NGOs and the individual staff of protected areas.

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