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We have found a total of 13 books available to download

Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences

Author: Robert Wilkins , Simon Cross , Ian Megson , David Meredith

Number of pages: 980

Written by biomedical scientists and clinicians, with the purpose of disseminating the fundamental scientific principles that underpin medicine, this new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Medical Sciences provides a clear, easily digestible account of basic cell physiology and biochemistry. It also includes an investigation of the traditional pillars of medicine (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology and pharmacology) integrated in the context of each of the major systems relevant to the human body. Cross-referenced to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, and thoroughly illustrated, it is the ideal introduction to the medical sciences for medical students and biomedical scientists, as well as a valuable refresher for junior doctors.

Paperbound Books in Print Fall 1995

Author: Reed Reference Publishing , Staff Bowker R R

Number of pages: 9850

Motor Learning and Development

Author: Pamela S. Haibach-Beach , Greg Reid , Douglas H. Collier

Number of pages: 464

Motor Learning and Development, Second Edition With Web Resource, provides a foundation for understanding how humans acquire and continue to hone their movement skills throughout the life span. These fundamentals will give students the tools they need to create, apply, and evaluate motor skill programs for learners and clients at all skill and development levels, from elite athletes to those with severe disabilities. The second edition maintains the unique focus of the original, covering the basics of motor learning and development simultaneously. The text has been revised and updated with current research and examples, and it includes the following enhancements: • Three new chapters, Understanding Movement Control, Infant Motor Development, and Devising a Plan, provide more depth on fundamental topics. • A web resource for students includes videos with guiding questions, lab activities for each chapter, and printable versions of the book's sidebars for use as assignments. • Reorganized content in part I allows for deeper understanding of complex topics. • Parts II and III are reorganized to group content by topic rather than by age group, in order to better infuse the two ...

The Journal of Cell Biology

No. 2, pt. 2 of November issue each year from v. 19 (1963)-47 (1970) and v. 55 (1972)- contain the Abstracts of papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, 3d (1963)-10th (1970) and 12th (1972)-

Who's who in the South and Southwest

Includes names from the States of Alabama, Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Occupational therapy in the treatment of adult hemiplegia

Author: Ortrud Eggers

Number of pages: 144

La mA(c)thode de K. et B. Bobath s'est imposA(c)e comme une des techniques majeures pour la rA(c)A(c)ducation des hA(c)miplA(c)giques. Ce livre dA(c)crit pour la premiA]re fois de faAon trA]s concrA]te et dA(c)taillA(c)e l'application de cette mA(c)thode en ergothA(c)rapie. Les bilans, les activitA(c)s artisanales traditionnelles, l'entraA(R)nement aux gestes de la vie quotidienne sont dA(c)crits avec une prA(c)cision extrAame, immA(c)diatement utilisables dans la pratique quotidienne de l'ergothA(c)rapie. L'adaptation permanente de ces exercices en fonction de la rA(c)cupA(c)ration fonctionnelle est tout particuliA]rement dA(c)veloppA(c)e et abondamment illustrA(c)e. Ce livre, simple, concis, pratique, s'impose A tous les ergothA(c)rapeutes quel que soit leur domaine d'activitA(c), aux kinA(c)sithA(c)rapeutes et A tous les membres des A(c)quipes de rA(c)A(c)ducation traitant des hA(c)miplA(c)giques: ils trouveront les ingrA(c)dients d'une prise en charge harmonieuse, cohA(c)rente et complA]te, donnant A chacun les moyens spA(c)cifiques et complA(c)mentaires d'un projet thA(c)rapeutique commun fondA(c) sur une mAame mA(c)thode.

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