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We have found a total of 33 books available to download

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock

Author: Slavoj Zizek

Number of pages: 301

The contributors bring to bear an unrivaled enthusiasm and theoretical sweep on the entire Hitchcock oeuvre, analyzing movies such as Rear Window and Psycho. Starting from the premise that ‘everything has meaning,’ the authors examine the films’ ostensible narrative content and formal procedures to discover a rich proliferation of hidden ideological and psychic mechanisms. But Hitchcock is also a bait to lure the reader into a serious Marxist and Lacanian exploration of the construction of meaning. An extraordinary landmark in Hitchcock studies, this new edition features a brand-new essay by philosopher Slavoj Žižek, presenter of Sophie Fiennes’s three-part documentary The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema.

Nothing But The Truth

Author: Frank Logan

Number of pages: 106

"Nothing But the Truth" is about some non-biblical ideas circulating in the Pentecostal church, among others. Logan contends that these are false beliefs that don't come from God's word, but rather from preachers.

Not on Fire, but Burning

Author: Greg Hrbek

Number of pages: 249

Twenty-year-old Skyler saw the incident out her window: Some sort of metallic object hovering over the Golden Gate Bridge just before it collapsed and a mushroom cloud lifted above the city. Like everyone, she ran, but she couldn't outrun the radiation, with her last thoughts being of her beloved baby brother, Dorian, safe in her distant family home. Flash forward to a post-incident America, where the country has been broken up into territories and Muslims have been herded onto the old Indian reservations in the west, even though no one has determined who set off the explosion that destroyed San Francisco. Twelve-year old Dorian dreams about killing Muslims and about his sister—even though Dorian's parents insist Skyler never existed. Are they still shell-shocked, trying to put the past behind them . . . or is something more sinister going on? Meanwhile, across the street, Dorian's neighbor adopts a Muslim orphan from the territories. It will set off a series of increasingly terrifying incidents that will lead to either tragedy or redemption for Dorian, as he struggles to prove that his sister existed—and was killed by a terrorist attack. Not on Fire, but Burning is unlike...

“Puseyism” (falsely so called) not a Popish bane, but a Catholic antidote. By a Priest of the English Church. Second edition

Number of pages: 44

Impossible...But Not with God!

Author: Robert Neighbour , Trudie Neighbour

Number of pages: 314

But is it True?

Author: Aaron B. Wildavsky

Number of pages: 588

Amid the chaos of questions and conflicting information, Aaron Wildavsky arrives with just what the beleaguered citizen needs: a clear, fair, and factual look at how the rival claims of environmentalists and industrialists work, what they mean, and where to start sorting them out.

Bent but Not Broken

Author: Corine Smith Ford

Number of pages: 33

My parents sharecropped for many years and owned a corner grocery store where my father bootlegged alcohol for a living. As a child, my brothers would plow many acres of land. They would start at sunup and work until sundown. Most of the time, after plowing the land, they would have to plant the crops. Back then, the crops consisted mostly of cotton. Us girls had to help chop and pick cotton and strawberries. Every year we were kept out of school to work in the fields until all the crops were gathered, and then we would go off to school wearing hand-me-downs. Momma had that look of helplessness again every year when we would hear the owner say to my father either, "You are in the red," or "We just broke even." One thing was for sure: we always had a really good Christmas dinner. We would have a big, fat homegrown roasting hen with cornbread stuffing, homegrown collard greens, okra, and homemade pies. One of Momma's favorites was the lemon pie. We really didn't know we were poor because we never went hungry. In my teens, I was attacked by a young man and feared for my life. After that attack, I started looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. These experiences left...

Why We Don't Cardrive or Bookread, but Slavedrive and Lipread

Author: Angela Lamberty

Number of pages: 381

Compounding is a highly productive word-formation pattern in the English language. In light of this, it is counterintuitive that English lacks a general word-formation rule for genuine verbal compounds and those appear to be very rare. But for what reason does verbal composition disqualify as a productive word-formation pattern in English? How are verbal pseudo-compounds processed and what does this imply about the way in which newly coined genuine verbal compounds would be processed? What are the factors that determine and influence the processing of English verbal compounds and pseudo-compounds? This book adopts a fresh cognitive linguistic perspective on verbal compounding and investigates the above questions with the help of experimental methods. It offers a novel and cognitive linguistically based model of mental access to verbal compounds and tries to complement the prevailing structural and typological approaches by insights on language processing.

I'm Not a Terrorist, But I've Played One On TV

Author: Maz Jobrani

Number of pages: 240

“A funny, insightful memoir” (Kirkus Reviews) about growing up Iranian in America, and the quest to make it as an actor in Hollywood without having to wear a turban, tote a bomb, or get kicked in the face by Chuck Norris. After he emigrated with his family to the US during the Iranian Revolution, Maz Jobrani spent most of his youth trying to fit in with his adopted culture—learning to play baseball and religiously watching Dallas. But none of his attempts at assimilation made a difference to casting directors, who only auditioned him for the role of kebab-eating, bomb-toting, extremist psychopath. When he first started out in show business, Maz endured suggestions that he spice up his stand-up act by wearing “the outfit,” fielded questions about rising gas prices, and was jeered for his supposed involvement in the Iran hostage crisis. In fact, these things happened so often that he began to wonder: Could I be a terrorist without even knowing it? And when all he seemed to be offered were roles that required looking menacingly Arabic, he wondered if he would ever make it in America. This laugh-out-loud memoir chronicles a lifetime of both killing it and bombing on stage,...

Not Your Journey But Your Destiny

Author: Catherine D. Herron

Number of pages: 97

This is a story of the life of my mom and me; filled with rich wisdom and knowledge from God on the plan for our lives. God has a plan for your life that will always enrich your life with so many blessings you will not have room to receive them. As you read through these pages, I pray you will find some answers to questions that you’ve asked yourself, but you never had the courage to ask anyone else. I also pray you will know without a doubt that no matter what you’re going through, how difficult life sometimes get, God is there with you all the way. No matter how many times, you’ve had to go to bed and cry, just trust God and know that God has everything you need. He loves you, and you are very, very special to Him. Be encouraged, the best, is yet to come!

Broken but Beautiful

Author: Yoshita Goel

Number of pages: 154

"Some things become more valuable when broken. Like hearts, relationships and the broken hearts of people in these broken relationships." Life is all about a continuous cycle of meeting people, then being connected to them, then losing them, but the ones who stay forever with us, we find our happiness in them. Similarly, this anthology presents a compilation of life experiences and feelings written down from the bottom of the hearts of co-authors. This anthology contains poems, short stories, articles, shayaris and open letters on how life and love give us happiness but pain too, for the readers to relate, comprehend and rejuvenate their perspectives on live and learn from them as to how can they achieve happiness and pain from the same person, thing or relationship. A beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind and heart, if you are beautiful from inside, you will reflect the same on the outside. A number of people come into your life, some will stay temporarily, while some will stay permanently. But, do not sit and wait for people to make them permanent in your life. Life will show many colors to you, it entirely depends upon how you react to everything. It is all about...

Church Establishmens lawful, but church rates not expedient. A sermon [1 Cor. X. 23].

Author: William Gillmor

Nowhere to Go But Up

Author: Kevin E. Ruffcorn

Number of pages: 132

For most of its history, the church has preached and taught a doctrine of dubious biblical origins. The doctrine has cast a pall of gloom over the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It has caused division in the human family, has inspired fear of God’s wrath in the lives of the faithful, and has prevented believers from experiencing the abundant life that is theirs through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Nowhere to Go But Up, investigates the source of this doctrine and surveys its use by the Christian church. From its findings, the book offers an alternative interpretation to several passages of Scripture—recapturing the understanding of the first followers of the Way and the insights of the earliest church fathers. Several salvation motifs are resurrected from the early centuries of the church. These motifs invite readers to view the ministry of Jesus from refreshing, life-changing perspectives. Shunning the centuries-old practice of living in fear of God’s judgment, the book presents readers with a new, dynamic, yet realistic vision of living in the power of God’s love—celebrating creation, the diversity of the human family, and our unity as God’s...

Twelve Plays for Christmas ... but not a Partridge in a Pear Tree

Author: Skip Martin

Number of pages: 318

Twelve Plays for Christmas … but not a Partridge in a Pear Tree is a collection of Christian dramas written by Skip Martin that explore the true meaning of Christmas. With an average running time of between thirty and forty minutes, each of these dramas has already been performed before live audiences of more than ten thousand people. Filled with lively characters, witty dialogue, and plenty of humor, each story keeps in view the goal of helping audience members develop a better understanding of the gift of Christmas. Any of the scripts in Twelve Plays for Christmas would make an excellent addition to a church Christmas program, Singing Christmas Tree, or other church event. “Skip Martin has the rare ability to touch people’s hearts with a unique presentation of the Good News.” — The Rev. Dan Cracchiola, music minister, Grace Church, Sarasota, Florida “Skip Martin has given us a volume of Christmas plays that are delightful and entertaining … The plays have conveyed the message of Christmas to all who have seen them performed. Having warmed the hearts and drawn the souls of thousands across the years, they will be a treasure to all who experience them.” — Dr....

But They Won't Talk with a Woman

Author: Leta Gorham , Thomas W. Waitschies

Number of pages: 132

Based on a workshop between clergy members of the United Methodist Church, 'But They Won't Talk With a Woman' focuses on justice issues between male and female clergy, relying on the personal experiences of the participants, as well as their reflections from points made in the book, Women's Growth in Connection by Judith V. Jordan, et. al. In this book, the group posits that unless injustices that female clergy are subjected to in their daily lives are changed, the Church may potentially be destroyed. Topics covered include the abuse of power by men over women, traditional gender roles, biblical interpretations of these roles, and communication between men and women.

I Ain't Much to Look At...But My Wife Is!

Author: Arnold E. Harner

Number of pages: 60

Marriage: Best Friends; Battles; Phases of Love; Biology; and Parenting; get all this right and youll have the perfect marriage; right? Come on! Dont be an idiot! No-one can give you the perfect recipe for getting a marriage just right. We are all different; with different upbringing, attitudes, wants, desires, needs, and baggage. Although making a marriage work isnt rocket science it does require a good amount of common sense, and a great amount of selflessness. It means at times giving more love than you get, and being ok with that. It means being devoted to that special woman as long as you both shall live. It also means using your head for something more than a hat rack and making good, sensible decisions. Be the strong loving husband and father your wife desires and deserves. Marriage is an ever-evolving dance. No man and no secular book will have all the answers youre looking for; but this collection of life experiences and relationship research is one great place to start!

But Are You Making Any Money

Author: Marc Shamus

Number of pages: 89

Are You Really Making Enough Money for Retirement? So many paths to create income; each with their own challenging obstacles to overcome to reach success. I cover my experiences and knowledge with 12 major Income Paths. Discover the challenges and solutions for each. Don't struggle to create your financial success. Escape being stuck with only making a living. Push away your fears about experiencing a stressful, financially strapped retirement. Secure the Income you need for creating an amazing lifestyle now as well as a comfortable retirement later on. Learn About My Experience and Views on the following 12 Income Paths. Create ways to win and get this book. Download But Are You Making Any Money now to get started today. Scroll up and click the buy button.


Author: Dan Jenkins

Number of pages: 368

For the last quarter century, Dan Jenkins has been fixing his cold-eyed stare and wisecracking style on the real-life Billy Clyde and Kenny Lee Pucketts of the sports world. You Call It Sports, But I Say It’s a Jungle Out There is a collection of his best work from Sports Illustrated, Playboy, Golf Digest, and his nationally syndicated column, and includes a stack of new pieces written especially for this book. Jenkins spares no one in his search for the culprits who have taken the fun out of sports: NFL owners and refs, PGA Tour administrators, basketball players who can’t read, tennis players who can’t speak English (or say anything worth hearing when they do). He also finds things worth celebrating: the electric charge given off by Arnold Palmer at his best, the excitement of a truly great college football game, or a real heavyweight champion, like Joe Louis. Overflowing with good ol’ boys, great one-liners, famous sporting events, and barroom tales, this is the best of Dan Jenkins—which is to say, it’s as good as sportswriting gets anywhere.

High Yellow...But a Black Woman Forever More!

Author: Deborah Cofer

Number of pages: 215

"Boy, has this been one heck of a spiritual journey! Little did I know that the path leading to the Kingdom of God would take me into and through the bowels of hell, but I made it.there and back. All I can say is thank God for God, His goodness, grace and mercy." -From the Introduction to "High Yellow".But A Black Woman Forever More! A Poetic Anthology of a Spiritual Journey It is said that to know one's self is the key to reaching new horizons and maximizing human potential-and it's true. But, truly knowing one's self without knowing one's spiritual identity is akin to a person who is physically blind driving a car. It's absolutely impossible. In "High Yellow".But A Black Woman Forever More! A Poetic Anthology of a Spiritual Journey, author Deborah M. Cofer highlights her efforts and sacrifices as she explores her inner self, others, and the world around her. Every poem is its own unique story of "bringing to the surface, hashing out, understanding, and making peace with" struggle in order to arrive at new heights in her evolution, both as a woman and as a member of the human race. Cofer's poetic accounts are both powerful and deeply profound.

My dog is blind – but lives life to the full!

Author: Nicole Horsky

Number of pages: 82

This invaluable book sympathetically shows the owner of a blind dog that their loyal friend can still have the same zest for and enjoyment of life. With love and careful thought, you and your dog can help each other find new or adapted ways to live happily together.

An Answer to a Scurrilous Pamphlet [here Attributed To"Mr. O-n,"but Published Under the Pseudonym of Augustus Optatus], Called Donatus Redivivus; Or, a Reprimand to a Modern Church Schismatick, Lately Written by a Dissenting Teacher; Occasion'd by the Conversion and Baptism of Two Young Gentlewomen. By Way of a Letter from One of the Said Gentlewomen to the Rev'd Mr. L-ter, Library Keeper at Manchester

Number of pages: 24

The Cyclopædia; Or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature. By Abraham Rees, ... with the Assistance of Eminent Professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings, by the Most Disinguished Artists. In Thirthy-nine Volumes. Vol. 1 [- 39]

Number of pages: 384

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