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Teach Yourself Programming With Java ™ in 24 Days.

Author: Harry. H. Chaudhary.

Number of pages: 582

Essential Java Skills--Made Easy! What Special – In this book I covered and explained several topics of latest Java 8 Features in detail for Developers & Fresher’s, Topics Like– Lambdas. || Java 8 Functional interface, || Stream and Time API in Java 8. This Java book doesn't require previous programming experience. However, if you come from a C or C++ programming background, then you will be able to learn faster. Learn the all basics and advanced features of Java programming in no time from Bestseller Java Programming Author Harry. H. Chaudhary (More than 1,67,000 Books Sold !). This Java Guide, starts with the basics and Leads to Advance features of Java in detail with thousands of Java Codes and new features of Java 8 like Lambdas. Java 8 Functional interface, || Stream and Time API in Java 8. , I promise this book will make you expert level champion of java. Anyone can learn java through this book at expert level. The main objective of this java book is not to give you just Java Programming Knowledge, I have followed a pattern of improving the question solution of thousands of Codes with clear theory explanations with different Java complexities for each java topic...

Constitutional and Administrative Law

Author: Hilaire Barnett

Number of pages: 865

Hilaire Barnett’s Constitutional and Administrative Law has consistently provided students with reliable, accessible and comprehensive coverage of the Public Law syllabus. Mapped to the common course outline, the Fifteenth edition equips students with a thorough understanding of the UK constitution’s past, present and future by analysing and illustrating the political and socio-historical contexts that have shaped the major rules and principles of constitutional and administrative law, as well as ongoing constitutional reform. This edition has been fully updated throughout, including a restructure to Chapters 22 and 26, as well as additional pause and reflect sections in order to aid student understanding of this complex area of the law. The online digital content also includes updates to the Multiple Choice Questions, Instructor Test Bank and Web Links. Ideal for students studying constitutional and administrative law for the first time, this is an indispensable guide to the challenging concepts and legal rules in public law.

Congressional Record

Author: United States. Congress

Number of pages: 1328

The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873)

Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports

Number of pages: 834

Lists citations with abstracts for aerospace related reports obtained from world wide sources and announces documents that have recently been entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database.

Legislation on Foreign Relations Through ...

Author: United States

Number of pages: 848

How to Achieve Inclusive Growth

Author: Valerie Cerra , Barry Eichengreen , Asmaa El-ganainy , Martin Schindler

Number of pages: 807

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. Rising inequality and widespread poverty, social unrest and polarization, gender and ethnic disparities, declining social mobility, economic fragility, unbalanced growth due to technology and globalization, and existential danger from climate change are urgent global concerns of our day. These issues are intertwined. They therefore require a holistic framework to examine their interplay and bring the various strands together. Leading academic economists have partnered with experts from several international institutions to explain the sources and scale of these challenges. They gather a wide array of empirical evidence and country experiences to lay out practical policy solutions and to devise a comprehensive and unified plan of action for combatting these economic and social disparities. This authoritative book is accessible to policy makers, students, and the general public interested in how to craft a brighter future by building a sustainable, green, and...

Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations for 2008

Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee On Appropriations. Subcommittee On The Departments Of Labor, Health And Human Services, Education, And Related Agencies

Number of pages: 1356

U.S. Government Purchasing, Specifications, and Sales Directory

Author: United States. Small Business Administration

Number of pages: 152

The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication

Author: Wolfgang Donsbach

Number of pages: 706

This concise volume presents key concepts and entries from the twelve-volume ICA International Encyclopedia of Communication (2008), condensing leading scholarship into a practical and valuable single volume. Based on the definitive twelve-volume IEC, this new concise edition presents key concepts and the most relevant headwords of communication science in an A-Z format in an up-to-date manner Jointly published with the International Communication Association (ICA), the leading academic association of the discipline in the world Represents the best and most up-to-date international research in this dynamic and interdisciplinary field Contributions come from hundreds of authors who represent excellence in their respective fields An affordable volume available in print or online

Policy Analysis in the United States

Author: John A. Hird

Number of pages: 384

Policy Analysis in the United States gathers a group of original contributions by scholars and leading practitioners of public policy analysis. Originating in the United States, the field of public policy analysis has affected nations around the world and been enhanced by contributions of scholars and practitioners in other regions, but it remains most highly developed and practiced in education and government here. This volume explores the nature of policy analysis in different sectors and at different levels of government, as well as by nongovernmental actors, such as unions, businesses, NGOs, and the media.

Communication System Security

Author: Lidong Chen , Guang Gong

Number of pages: 738

Helping current and future system designers take a more productive approach in the field, Communication System Security shows how to apply security principles to state-of-the-art communication systems. The authors use previous design failures and security flaws to explain common pitfalls in security design.Divided into four parts, the book begins w

The United States Department of Commerce Publications, Catalog and Index Supplement

Author: United States. Department Of Commerce

Number of pages: 616

Creating Selves

Author: Johanna Gibson

Number of pages: 183

The concept of creativity, together with concerns over access to creativity and knowledge, are currently the subject of international debate and unprecedented public attention, particularly in the context of international developments in intellectual property laws. Not only are there significant developments at the legal level, with increasing moves towards stronger and harmonized protection for intellectual property, but also there is intense public interest in the concepts of creativity, authorship, personality, and knowledge. In Creating Selves, Johanna Gibson addresses strategic responses to intellectual property, and suggests alternative models for encouraging, rewarding, and disseminating creative and innovative output, which are built upon a critical analysis of and approach to the debate and to the concept of creativity itself. Drawing upon critical theories in authorship, literature, music, the sciences and the arts, Gibson suggests a radical re-consideration of the notion of creativity in the intellectual property debate and the means by which to encourage and sustain creativity in contemporary society.

Tax Reform, 1969

Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee On Ways And Means

Number of pages: 1498

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Reports

Author: United States. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Number of pages: 2288

Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications

Author: United States. Superintendent Of Documents

Number of pages: 912

The Oxford Handbook of Australian Politics

Author: Jenny M. Lewis , Anne Tiernan

Number of pages: 555

The Oxford Handbook of Australian Politics is a comprehensive collection that considers Australia's distinctive politics-- both ancient and modern-- at all levels and across many themes. It examines the factors that make Australian politics unique and interesting, while firmly placing these in the context of the nation's Indigenous and imported heritage and global engagement. The book presents an account of Australian politics that recognizes and celebrates its inherent diversity by taking a thematic approach in six parts. The first theme addresses Australia's unique inheritances, examining the development of its political culture in relation to the arrival of British colonists and their conflicts with First Nations peoples, as well as the resulting geopolitics. The second theme, improvization, focuses on Australia's political institutions and how they have evolved. Place-making is then considered to assess how geography, distance, Indigenous presence, and migration shape Australian politics. Recurrent dilemmas centres on a range of complex, political problems and their influence on contemporary political practice. Politics, policy, and public administration covers how Australia...

Evaluating Environment in International Development

Author: Juha I. Uitto

Number of pages: 314

This book provides novel and in-depth perspectives on evaluating environment and sustainability issues in developing countries. Evaluating Environment in International Development focuses on the approaches and experiences of leading international organizations, not-for-profits, and multilateral and bilateral aid agencies to illustrate how systematic evaluation is an essential tool for providing evidence for decision-makers. Moving beyond projects and programmes, it explores normative work on the environment as well as environmental consequences of economic and social development efforts. This new edition reflects on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals and considers how they have influenced efforts in a wide range of countries and what the implications are for evaluation. It also explores ways in which Big Data and geospatial approaches might be utilized. Significantly updated throughout to reflect recent developments in climate change research, and on the implications of the 2020 pandemic, this volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of environment studies, development studies, international relations, sustainable...

Research Handbook on Street-Level Bureaucracy

Author: Peter Hupe

Number of pages: 537

When the objectives of public policy programmes have been formulated and decided upon, implementation seems just a matter of following instructions. However, it is underway to the realization of those objectives that public policies get their final substance and form. Crucial is what happens in and around the encounter between public officials and individual citizens at the street level of government bureaucracy. This Research Handbook addresses the state of the art while providing a systematic exploration of the theoretical and methodological issues apparent in the study of street-level bureaucracy and how to deal with them.

EPA National Publications Catalog

Author: United States. Environmental Protection Agency

Number of pages: 832

SEC Docket

Author: United States. Securities And Exchange Commission

Number of pages: 1136

Statistics of Cities Having a Population If Over 30,000

Author: United States. Bureau Of The Census

Number of pages: 560

Typical Residential Electric Bills

Author: United States. Federal Power Commission

Number of pages: 88

Digest of Education Statistics

Number of pages: 744

Contains information on a variety of subjects within the field of education statistics, including the number of schools and colleges, enrollments, teachers, graduates, educational attainment, finances, Federal funds for education, libraries, international education, and research and development.


Author: United States. Department Of The Interior. Office Of Hearings And Appeals

Number of pages: 1380

Covers all the published and all the important unpublished decisions and opinions of the Department of the Interior ...

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