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We have found a total of 18 books available to download

Punishing the Prince

Author: Fiona McGillivray , Alastair Smith

When the United States invaded Iraq, President Bush made it clear: the U.S. was not fighting the Iraqi people. Rather, all quarrels were solely with Iraq's leadership. This kind of assertion remains frequent in foreign affairs--sanctions or military actions are imposed on a nation not because of its people, but because of its misguided leaders. Although the distinction might seem pedantic since the people suffer regardless, Punishing the Prince reveals how targeting individual leaders for punishment rather than the nations they represent creates incentives for cooperation between nations and leaves room for future relations with pariah states. Punishing the Prince demonstrates that theories of leader punishment explain a great deal about international behavior and interstate relations. The book examines the impact that domestic political institutions have on whether citizens hold their leaders accountable for international commitments and shows that the degrees to which citizens are able to remove leaders shape the dynamics of interstate relations and leader turnover. Through analyses of sovereign debt, international trade, sanctions, and crisis bargaining, Fiona McGillivray and...

Regional Peacemaking and Conflict Management

Author: Carmela Lutmar , Benjamin Miller

Number of pages: 320

This volume examines mechanisms for regional peacemaking and conflict management in Europe and the Middle East. To date little research has been devoted to uncovering the conditions for peace, and the factors that contribute to stabilizing the state of peace. This volume assesses the factors that contribute to regional pacification, the incentives that motivate states in establishing peaceful relations, and most importantly, how regions become peaceful. It discusses the conditions under which various types of ‘peace’ might emerge on a regional level and the factors most likely to determine the outcome. The book takes an innovative approach through a systematic comparison of two regions that are particularly prominent and important for the subject of regional pacification: Europe and the Middle East. While many believe that the European case is the indispensable model for peacemaking, others believe that these two regions are too different for Europe to be a useful framework for the Middle East. This volume occupies a middle ground between these two extreme positions. It argues that while a mindless copying of European models will not lead to peace in the Middle East, important ...

International Relations Theory

Author: Andrew H. Kydd

Number of pages: 239

A new introduction to the game theoretic approach to international relations theory. Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this textbook provides the support and background needed for students to gain a thorough understanding of the rationalist approach, from the basic foundations to more complex models.

The Dictator's Handbook

Author: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita , Alastair Smith

Number of pages: 352

A groundbreaking new theory of the real rules of politics: leaders do whatever keeps them in power, regardless of the national interest. As featured on the viral video Rules for Rulers, which has been viewed over 3 million times. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith's canonical book on political science turned conventional wisdom on its head. They started from a single assertion: Leaders do whatever keeps them in power. They don't care about the "national interest"-or even their subjects-unless they have to. This clever and accessible book shows that democracy is essentially just a convenient fiction. Governments do not differ in kind but only in the number of essential supporters, or backs that need scratching. The size of this group determines almost everything about politics: what leaders can get away with, and the quality of life or misery under them. The picture the authors paint is not pretty. But it just may be the truth, which is a good starting point for anyone seeking to improve human governance.

Deadlocks in Multilateral Negotiations

Author: Amrita Narlikar

Deadlocks are a feature of everyday life, as well as high politics. This volume focuses on the concept, causes, and consequences of deadlocks in multilateral settings, and analyses the types of strategies that could be used to break them. It commences with a definition of deadlock, hypothesises about its occurrence, and proposes solutions. Each chapter then makes an original contribution to the issue of deadlock – theoretical, methodological, or empirical – and further tests the original concepts and hypotheses, either theoretically or through case-study analysis, developing or altering them accordingly. This is a unique volume which provides an in-depth examination of the problem of deadlock and a more thorough understanding of specific negotiation problems than has ever been done before. It will be directly relevant to students, researchers, teachers, and scholars of negotiation and will also be of interest to practitioners involved in negotiation and diplomacy.

The Spoils of War

Author: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita , Alastair Smith

Number of pages: 320

Two eminent political scientists show that America's great conflicts, from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror, were fought not for ideals, or even geopolitical strategy, but for the individual gain of the presidents who waged them. It's striking how many of the presidents Americans venerate-Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, to name a few-oversaw some of the republic's bloodiest years. Perhaps they were driven by the needs of the American people and the nation. Or maybe they were just looking out for themselves. This revealing and entertaining book puts some of America's greatest leaders under the microscope, showing how their calls for war, usually remembered as brave and noble, were in fact selfish and convenient. In each case, our presidents chose personal gain over national interest while loudly evoking justice and freedom. The result is an eye-opening retelling of American history, and a call for reforms that may make the future better. Bueno de Mesquita and Smith demonstrate in compelling fashion that wars, even bloody and noble ones, are not primarily motivated by democracy or freedom or the sanctity of human life. When...

Islamic Politics, Muslim States, and Counterterrorism Tensions

Author: Peter Henne

The US Global War on Terror and earlier US counterterrorism efforts prompted a variety of responses from Muslim states despite widespread Islamic opposition. Some cooperated extensively, some balked at US policy priorities, and others vacillated between these extremes. This book explains how differing religion-state relationships, regimes' political calculations, and Islamic politics combined to produce patterns of tensions and cooperation between the United States and Muslim states over counterterrorism, using rigorous quantitative analysis and case studies of Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey. The book combines recent advances in the study of political institutions with work on religion and politics to advance a novel theory of religion and international relations that will be of value to anyone studying religion, terrorism, or Islamic politics. It also provides numerous insights into current events in the Middle East by extending its analysis to the Arab Spring and the rise of the Islamic State.

Politics in South Asia

Author: Siegfried O. Wolf , Jivanta Schöttli , Dominik Frommherz , Kai Fürstenberg , Marian Gallenkamp , Lion König , Markus Pauli

Number of pages: 204

The book introduces central themes that have preoccupied the field of South Asian politics over the last few decades and identifies new, emerging areas of research. Presenting both general political theory and context-specific case studies, the collection draws attention to the methodological challenges of working on an area-specific theme and the importance of generating generalizable insights linked to theory. Hence it will be of interest for political scientists working on South Asian politics as well as on other non-Western societies. The collection represents an unusually broad survey of scholarship emerging from a range of leading academic centres in the field.

The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council

Author: James Raymond Vreeland , Axel Dreher

Number of pages: 312

This book investigates the ways governments trade money for favors at the United Nations Security Council.

The Politics of the First World War

Author: Scott Wolford

The Great War is an immense, confusing and overwhelming historical conflict - the ideal case study for teaching game theory and international relations. Using thirteen historical puzzles, from the outbreak of the war and the stability of attrition, to unrestricted submarine warfare and American entry into the war, this book provides students with a rigorous yet accessible training in game theory. Each chapter shows, through guided exercises, how game theoretical models can explain otherwise challenging strategic puzzles, shedding light on the role of individual leaders in world politics, cooperation between coalitions partners, the effectiveness of international law, the termination of conflict, and the challenges of making peace. Its analytical history of World War I also surveys cutting edge political science research on international relations and the causes of war. Written by a leading game theorist known for his expertise of the war, this textbook includes useful student features such as chapter key terms, contemporary maps, a timeline of events, a list of key characters and additional end-of-chapter game-theoretic exercises.

In Place of Inter-state Retaliation

Author: William Phelan

Number of pages: 202

This book suggests a new explanation of the European Union's legal system, emphasising its break with the inter-state retaliation mechanisms and how Europe's special form of legal integration is facilitated by intra-industry trade, parliamentary forms of national government, and European welfare states.

Handbook of International Relations

Author: Walter Carlsnaes , Thomas Risse , Beth A Simmons

Number of pages: 904

The original Handbook of International Relations was the first authoritative and comprehensive survey of the field of international relations. In this eagerly-awaited new edition, the Editors have once again drawn together a team of the world's leading scholars of international relations to provide a state-of-the-art review and indispensable guide to the field, ensuring its position as the pre-eminent volume of its kind. The Second Edition has been expanded to 33 chapters and fully revised, with new chapters on the following contemporary topics: - Normative Theory in IR - Critical Theories and Poststructuralism - Efforts at Theoretical Synthesis in IR: Possibilities and Limits - International Law and International Relations - Transnational Diffusion: Norms, Ideas and Policies - Comparative Regionalism - Nationalism and Ethnicity - Geopolitics in the 21st Century - Terrorism and International Relations - Religion and International Politics - International Migration A truly international undertaking, this Handbook reviews the many historical, philosophical, analytical and normative roots to the discipline and covers the key contemporary topics of research and debate today. The...

Principles of International Politics

Author: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Number of pages: 600

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, who set the standard for the scientific approach to international relations, has returned with a reformulated fifth edition of Principles of International Politics, based on extensive reviewer feedback and newly guided by an emphasis on questions about the causes and consequences of war, peace, and world order. More than ever, the strategic perspective in international relations is examined with complete clarity, precision, and accessibility. What hasn't changed is Principles' coverage of the fundamentals of IR. The foundational topics are given sustained treatment: the major theories of war, the domestic sources of international politics, the democratic peace, the problems of terrorism, the role of foreign aid, democratization, international political economy, globalization, international organizations and law, human rights, and the global environment. No other introductory text delivers such an easily-understood contemporary explanation of international politics, while truly enabling students to learn to mobilize the key concepts and models.

Reliable Partners

Author: Charles Lipson

Number of pages: 272

Democracies often go to war but almost never against each other. Indeed, "the democratic peace" has become a catchphrase among scholars and even U.S. Presidents. But why do democracies avoid fighting each other? Reliable Partners offers the first systematic and definitive explanation. Examining decades of research and speculation on the subject and testing this against the history of relations between democracies over the last two centuries, Charles Lipson concludes that constitutional democracies have a "contracting advantage"--a unique ability to settle conflicts with each other by durable agreements. In so doing he forcefully counters realist claims that a regime's character is irrelevant to war and peace. Lipson argues that because democracies are confident their bargains will stick, they can negotiate effective settlements with each other rather than incur the great costs of war. Why are democracies more reliable partners? Because their politics are uniquely open to outside scrutiny and facilitate long-term commitments. They cannot easily bluff, deceive, or launch surprise attacks. While this transparency weakens their bargaining position, it also makes their promises more...

Trusted Guardian

Author: Damon V. Coletta

Number of pages: 178

Clearly distinguishing the role of information in winning wars versus managing crises, this book extends existing models for how breakdowns occur in international bargaining. It incorporates case studies that range from Cold War Berlin to the War in Iraq and offers powerful arguments for a new direction in defence transformation.

Les 'autres' rois

Author: Torsten Hiltmann

Number of pages: 174

Wird der Begriff des "Konigs" heute vorwiegend in einem engeren politischen Sinne verstanden und gebraucht, so war dies im ausgehenden Mittelalter anders. Denn neben den bekannten 'politischen' Konigen existierten hier noch zahlreiche 'andere' Konige. Sie standen Berufsgruppen vor, fuhrten Genossenschaften an oder wurden im Rahmen wiederkehrender Zeremonien und Brauche zu Festkonigen gekront. Spielleute und Herolde, Prostituierte und Handler hatten ebenso ihre Konige wie Bogenschutzen oder Adelsgesellschaften. Dabei ging es jedoch nicht um Rituale der Verkehrung oder gar um Akte der Auflehnung und Rebellion. Auch diese Konige besassen klare Funktionen und Privilegien, eine handfeste Machtstellung innerhalb ihrer Gruppe und wurden darin von den Autoritaten akzeptiert, ja teils erst eingesetzt. Der vorliegende Band halt erstmals eine systematische Zusammenschau dieses bisher unbeachtet gebliebenen Phanomens und fragt anhand ausgewahlter Beispiele nach der Funktion und der gesellschaftlichen Rolle dieser 'anderen' Konige in ihrem jeweiligen Umfeld. Damit legt er die Grundlagen fur ein neues, innovatives Forschungsfeld und bereichert die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Konigtum um eine...

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