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We have found a total of 38 books available to download

Burnout at Work

Author: Michael P. Leiter , Arnold B. Bakker , Christina Maslach

Number of pages: 183

The psychological concept of burnout refers to long-term exhaustion from, and diminished interest in, the work we do. It’s a phenomenon that most of us have some understanding of, even if we haven’t always been affected directly. Many people start their working lives full of energy and enthusiasm, but far fewer are able to maintain that level of engagement. Burnout at Work: A Psychological Perspective provides a comprehensive overview of how the concept of burnout has been conceived over recent decades, as well as discussing the challenges and possible interventions that can help confront this pervasive issue. Including contributions from the most eminent researchers in this field, the book examines a range of topics including: The links between burnout and health How our individual relationships at work can affect levels of burnout The role of leadership in mediating or causing burnout The strategies that individuals can pursue to avoid burnout, as well as wider interventions. The book will be required reading for anyone studying organizational or occupational psychology, and will also interest students of business and management, and health psychology.

Research Grants Index

Author: National Institutes Of Health (u.s.). Division Of Research Grants

Number of pages: 1168

Freight Classification Guide

Author: United States. Department Of The Air Force

Number of pages: 596

House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents

Author: United States. Congress. House

Number of pages: 750

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

Author: United States. Patent And Trademark Office

Number of pages: 1382

Technology Integration and Foundations for Effective Leadership

Author: Wang, Shuyan

Number of pages: 443

As new technology continues to emerge, the training and education of learning new skills and strategies become important for professional development. Therefore, technology leadership plays a vital role for the use of technology in organizations by providing guidance in the many aspects of using technologies. Technology Integration and Foundations for Effective Leadership provides detailed information on the aspects of effective technology leadership, highlighting instructions on creating a technology plan as well as the successful integration of technology into the educational environment. This reference source aims to offer a sense of structure and basic information on designing, developing, and evaluating technology projects to ensure maximum success.

FCC Record

Author: United States. Federal Communications Commission

Number of pages: 816

Report of the Clerk of the House from ...

Author: United States. Congress. House. Office Of The Clerk

Number of pages: 2012

Covers receipts and expenditures of appropriations and other funds.


Number of pages: 104

InfoWorld is targeted to Senior IT professionals. Content is segmented into Channels and Topic Centers. InfoWorld also celebrates people, companies, and projects.

Building Seismic Monitoring and Detection Technology

Author: Junwen Zhang , Xin Ren , Zakiah Ahmad

Number of pages: 772

Building Seismic Monitoring and Detection Technology focuses on the research of seismic resistance and monitoring technology. The book gathers cutting-edge research and achievements, and includes contributions on the following subjects: New concepts and key technologies of structural regulation and disaster prevention Test and monitoring study of thermal insulation in tunnels Protection of steel and concrete structures using arc thermal spray Research progress of mechanical metamaterials This book is aiming at scholars and engineers involved or interested in structural engineering and seismic detection technology.

Applications of Nonverbal Behavioral Theories and Research

Author: Robert S. Feldman

Number of pages: 306

This book is intended to accomplish several goals. First, it is designed to provide a broad overview of the major areas of application of theory and research relating to nonverbal behavior. Second, individual chapters emphasize how the applications have been drawn from underlying theories and empirical bases, thereby making the link between theory, research, and applications apparent. Finally, the volume links individual chapter contributions, demonstrating how theoretical progress over the last few decades has led to important applied advances. The contributors to this book consider a wide variety of settings and topics. Their common thread, however, is a shared conviction that an understanding of nonverbal behavior can bring about an improvement in the human condition. Each of the authors has made suggestions regarding future directions for both research and practice -- and their ideas offer real promise.

Sentiment Analysis and Knowledge Discovery in Contemporary Business

Author: Rajput, Dharmendra Singh , Thakur, Ramjeevan Singh , Basha, S. Muzamil

Number of pages: 355

In the era of social connectedness, people are becoming increasingly enthusiastic about interacting, sharing, and collaborating through online collaborative media. However, conducting sentiment analysis on these platforms can be challenging, especially for business professionals who are using them to collect vital data. Sentiment Analysis and Knowledge Discovery in Contemporary Business is an essential reference source that discusses applications of sentiment analysis as well as data mining, machine learning algorithms, and big data streams in business environments. Featuring research on topics such as knowledge retrieval and knowledge updating, this book is ideally designed for business managers, academicians, business professionals, researchers, graduate-level students, and technology developers seeking current research on data collection and management to drive profit.

Handbook of School Violence and School Safety

Author: Shane Jimerson , Amanda Nickerson , Matthew J. Mayer , Michael J. Furlong

Number of pages: 1008

The Handbook of School Violence and School Safety: International Research and Practice has become the premier resource for educational and mental health professionals and policymakers seeking to implement effective prevention and intervention programs that reduce school violence and promote safe and effective schools. It covers the full range of school violence and safety topics from harassment and bullying to promoting safe, secure, and peaceful schools. It also examines existing school safety programs and includes the multi-disciplinary research and theories that guide them. Examinations of current issues and projections of future research and practice are embedded within each chapter. This volume maps the boundaries of this rapidly growing and multidisciplinary field of study. Key features include... Comprehensive Coverage – The chapters are divided into three parts: Foundations; Assessment and Measurement; Prevention and Intervention Programs. Together they provide a comprehensive review of what is known about the types, causes, and effects of school violence and the most effective intervention programs that have been developed to prevent violence and promote safe and...

Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering

Author: Tarek Sobh

Number of pages: 569

Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the areas of Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Systems Engineering and Sciences. Innovations and Advances in Computer Sciences and Engineering includes selected papers form the conference proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (SCSS 2008) which was part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE 2008).

Monthly Labor Review

Number of pages: 634

Publishes in-depth articles on labor subjects, current labor statistics, information about current labor contracts, and book reviews.

Global Perspectives on Health Communication in the Age of Social Media

Author: Sekalala, Seif , Niezgoda, Brandon C.

Number of pages: 372

Numerous studies suggest that people with a variety of health concerns are increasingly turning to online networks for social support. As a result, the number of online support communities has risen over the past two decades. Global Perspectives on Health Communication in the Age of Social Media is a critical scholarly resource that examines the illness and pain-and-suffering narrative of health communication. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics, such as social networks, patient empowerment, and e-health, this book is geared towards professionals and researchers in health informatics as well as students, practitioners, clinicians, and academics.

Hearings Before Subcommittee of House Committee on Appropriations

Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee On Appropriations

Number of pages: 1356

API Analytics for Product Managers

Author: Deepa Goyal , Kin Lane

Number of pages: 344

Research, strategize, market, and continuously measure the effectiveness of APIs to meet your SaaS business goals with this practical handbook Key FeaturesTransform your APIs into revenue-generating entities by turning them into productsMeet your business needs by improving the way you research, strategize, market, and measure resultsCreate and implement a variety of metrics to promote growthBook Description APIs are crucial in the modern market as they allow faster innovation. But have you ever considered your APIs as products for revenue generation? API Analytics for Product Managers takes you through the benefits of efficient researching, strategizing, marketing, and continuously measuring the effectiveness of your APIs to help grow both B2B and B2C SaaS companies. Once you've been introduced to the concept of an API as a product, this fast-paced guide will show you how to establish metrics for activation, retention, engagement, and usage of your API products, as well as metrics to measure the reach and effectiveness of documentation—an often-overlooked aspect of development. Of course, it's not all about the product—as any good product manager knows; you need to understand ...

IBM XIV Storage System Architecture and Implementation

Author: Bertrand Dufrasne , Roger Eriksson , Lisa Martinez , Wenzel Kalabza S , Ibm Redbooks

Number of pages: 470

Not a new version - included warning for self signed X509 certificates - see section 5.2 This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the concepts, architecture, and implementation of the IBM XIV® Storage System. The XIV Storage System is a scalable enterprise storage system that is based on a grid array of hardware components. It can attach to both Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) and IP network Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) capable hosts. This system is a good fit for clients who want to be able to grow capacity without managing multiple tiers of storage. The XIV Storage System is suited for mixed or random access workloads, including online transaction processing, video streamings, images, email, and emerging workload areas, such as Web 2.0 and cloud storage. The focus of this edition is on the XIV Gen3 running Version 11.5.x of the XIV system software, which brings enhanced value for the XIV Storage System in cloud environments. It offers multitenancy support, VMware vCloud Suite integration, more discrete performance classes, and RESTful API enhancements that expand cloud automation integration. Version 11.5 introduces support for three-site mirroring to provide high...

The Realities of International Criminal Justice

Author: Dawn L. Rothe , James D. Meernik , Thordis Ingadóttir

Number of pages: 364

The Realities of the International Criminal Justice System takes an analytical and critical look at the impact of the major instruments of international criminal justice since the 1990s with the advent of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

Annual Report of the Department of the Interior

Author: United States. Department Of The Interior

Number of pages: 686

Microfinance in Russia

Author: Sylvie K. Bossoutrot

Number of pages: 115

In Russia, small-scale entrepreneurship has emerged in response to the collapse of state-ownership and unemployment in the early 1990s. Small businesses typically lack adequate collateral and credit history, making them 'unbankable' by the mainstream financial sector. To fund their businesses, micro-entrepreneurs are forced to rely on funds from family and friends, or money lenders. Microfinance institutions of four types have emerged to meet the unfulfilled financing needs of micro-entrepreneurs: commercial banks, specialized NGO-type microfinance institutions, membership-based institutions (such as rural cooperatives and credits unions), and public funds. All four types have enjoyed significant growth in Russia in the past five years, but the industry is still at an early stage of development. Demand appears to far outweigh supply. 'Microfinance in Russia' provides an overview of microfinance in Russia to date, presenting industry trends and identifying key challenges to sustainable growth of the industry.

The Oxford Handbook of the Physiology of Interpersonal Communication

Author: Lindsey Aloia , Amanda Denes , John P. Crowley

Number of pages: 373

The Oxford Handbook of The Physiology of Interpersonal Communication, Provides a comprehensive review of research on the interplay between communication and the body within personal relationships, Uses a theory-based approach and research methods to examine the influence of physiology on interpersonal communication, Identifies key communication theories in the study of physiology and communication, Considers the advancement of theoretical perspectives regarding physiological research Book jacket.

Digitalization of design for support structures in laser powder bed fusion of metals

Author: Katharina Bartsch

Number of pages: 327

Additive manufacturing is considered a key technology for digital production. However, several barriers towards the broad industrial application exist, e.g. the associated cost and the required experience regarding the manufacturing process. To eradicate these barriers, the complete digitalization of the value creation process is needed. In this thesis, a digital, automated support structuredesign procedure is developed. Topology optimization is used for design rule determination, and the space colonization algorithm is adapted for the automated design. The validity of the procedure is proven experimentally, revealing sufficient mechanical performance alongside cost reduction at medium to large production scales.

Stress, Cognition and Health

Author: Tony Cassidy

Number of pages: 179

The new edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research on stress and health, moving beyond the former deficit model to a resource growth model. It examines all aspects of the topic, from how the external world and the impact of technology makes demands upon individuals, through biological and psychological processes, to outcomes in terms of health and well-being. The process is set within a dynamic, multilevel systems and developmental lifespan perspective. The book includes a history of the evolution of stress research and the biological systems and immune responses that translate external pressures into health outcomes. It considers the role of personality and cognition in terms of appraisal and coping strategies set within a social ecology of power and support. The role of positive psychology in terms of resilience, psychological capital, and self-compassion brings the area up to date in considering the benefits as well as the threats of stress on health and well-being. An integration of issues of importance in stress research is provided with some suggested guidelines for both research and practice. Issues around prevention and...

Social Issues in Sport, Leisure, and Health

Author: Sine Agergaard , David Karen

Number of pages: 142

This book examines how social issues shape and influence our engagement with sport, leisure time physical activity, and health-promoting exercise. Connecting the personal with the public, it helps the reader understand how individual exercise, leisure, and sport participation are both facilitated and constrained by their social contexts. Presenting a series of in-depth descriptions of grassroots sport, urban lifestyle sport, physical activity across the life course, sport for children with special needs, and the development of creative climates in sport, this book seeks to encourage what C. Wright Mills described as the “sociological imagination”. Every chapter begins with an individual-level account centred on everyday challenges with accessing sport, partaking in leisure activities, and meeting guidelines for daily exercise before exploring the larger, socially determined patterns in which those experiences are located, establishing a vital template for the social scientific study of sport, leisure, and health. Touching on key contemporary themes including diversity, inclusion, health inequalities, and physical inactivity, as well as selection and intensification in sports,...

Army Logistician

Number of pages: 312

The official magazine of United States Army logistics.

Network World

Number of pages: 156

For more than 20 years, Network World has been the premier provider of information, intelligence and insight for network and IT executives responsible for the digital nervous systems of large organizations. Readers are responsible for designing, implementing and managing the voice, data and video systems their companies use to support everything from business critical applications to employee collaboration and electronic commerce.

Management and Cost Accounting

Author: Andreas Taschner , Michel Charifzadeh

Number of pages: 321

Management and cost accounting has been the basic toolbox in business administration for decades. Today it is an integral part of all curricula in business education and no student can afford not to be familiar with its basic concepts and instruments. At the same time, business in general, and management accounting in particular, is becoming more and more international. English clearly has evolved as the "lingua franca" of international business. Academics, students as well as practitioners exchange their views and ideas, discuss concepts and communicate with each other in English. This is certainly also true for cost accounting and management accounting. Management Accounting is becoming increasingly international. "Management and Cost Accounting" is a new English language textbook covering concepts and instruments of cost and management accounting at an introductory level (Bachelor, but also suited for MBA courses due to strong focus on practical applications and cases). This textbook covers all topics that are relevant in management accounting in business organizations and that are typically covered in German and Central European Bachelor classes on cost accounting and...

Compendium of HHS Evaluations and Relevant Other Studies

Author: Hhs Policy Information Center (u.s.)

Number of pages: 602

Grants and Awards for the Fiscal Year Ended ...

Author: National Science Foundation (u.s.)

Number of pages: 252

Theories of Human Communication

Author: Stephen W. Littlejohn , Karen A. Foss , John G. Oetzel

Number of pages: 517

For over forty years, Theories of Human Communication has facilitated the understanding of the theories that define the discipline of communication. The authors present a comprehensive summary of major communication theories, current research, extensions, and applications in a thoughtfully organized and engaging style. Part I of the extensively updated twelfth edition sets the stage for how to think about and study communication. The first chapter establishes the foundations of communication theory. The next chapter reviews four frameworks for organizing the theories and their contributions to the nature of inquiry. Part II covers theories centered around the communicator, message, medium, and communication with the nonhuman. Part III addresses theories related to communication contexts—relationship, group, organization, health, culture, and society. “From the Source” contributions from theorists provide insight into the inspirations, motivations, and goals behind the theories. Online instructor’s resource materials include sample syllabi, key terms, exam questions, and text graphics. The theories include those important for their continuing influence in the field as well...

The Sage Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Author: Dara G. Friedman-wheeler , Amy Wenzel

Number of pages: 2486

Courses in psychological distress and disorders are among the most popular courses in psychology programs, and mood and anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent disorders covered in these classes and encountered by mental health professionals. Although there are books on mood and anxiety disorders, on particular aspects of them, and on their presentation in specific populations, such works do not provide students new to the field with a comprehensive and accessible ready reference for understanding these disorders with respect to their phenomenology, etiology, and treatment, and through an inclusive lens that consistently considers how these symptoms appear and are construed across cultures, addressing societal factors such as race, culture, equity, and oppression. It is hoped that The SAGE Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders will fill this gap, allowing students and other interested readers to become familiar with past and current approaches and theories and to enhance their understanding of the sociocultural factors that affect how we discuss, approach, and treat these types of psychological distress. As such, consideration of sociocultural factors will infuse the...

Digest of Appropriations for the Support of the Government of the United States on Account of the Service of the Fiscal Year Ending ... and of Deficiencies for Prior Years ; Made by the ... Session of the ... Congress

Author: United States. Dept. Of The Treasury. Division Of Bookkeeping And Warrants

Number of pages: 342

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