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We have found a total of 6 books available to download

The Smart City – how smart can ’IT’ be?

Author: Malin Granath

Number of pages: 226

Cities are facing many challenges; challenges linked to world-wide trends like urbanisation, climate changes and globalisation. In parallel to these trends, we have seen a rapid digitalisation in and of different parts of society. Cities and local governments have been appointed an important role in overcoming these world-wide challenges, and subsequently, in policy practices digitalisation is perceived as an important dimension in delivering better and sustainable services to its citizens. As a result, the smart city has emerged as a concept and approach to contemporary urban planning and development. There is still no common understanding of the concept and what components and dimensions it covers. However, in all definitions digitalisation constitutes one dimension, but the role and function of it is still not clear. In this study I have examined how different stakeholders talk about digitalisation in policy and planning practices of urban development. The aim has been to identify and analyse different repertoires of discourses on digitalisation to advance our knowledge on how goals related to the smart city and digitalisation are put into practice. The results are based on a...

Data Protection and Privacy, Volume 14

Author: Dara Hallinan , Ronald Leenes , Paul De Hert

Number of pages: 336

This book brings together papers that offer conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy, data protection and enforcing rights in a changing world. It is one of the results of the 14th annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), which took place online in January 2021. The pandemic has produced deep and ongoing changes in how, when, why, and the media through which, we interact. Many of these changes correspond to new approaches in the collection and use of our data - new in terms of scale, form, and purpose. This raises difficult questions as to which rights we have, and should have, in relation to such novel forms of data processing, the degree to which these rights should be balanced against other poignant social interests, and how these rights should be enforced in light of the fluidity and uncertainty of circumstances. The book covers a range of topics, such as: digital sovereignty; art and algorithmic accountability; multistakeholderism in the Brazilian General Data Protection law; expectations of privacy and the European Court of Human Rights; the function of explanations; DPIAs and...

Jean Prouvé

Author: Jean Prouvé , Olivier Cinqualbre , Centre Georges Pompidou

Number of pages: 157

A l'occasion de l'entrée dans les collections du Centre Pompidou de l'un des trois exemplaires de Maison tropicale de J. Prouvé, l'ouvrage présente l'histoire de ce prototype. Préfabriquée en tôles d'acier et aluminium, la Maison tropicale répondait aux spécificités climatiques africaines et devait pallier le manque d'infrastructures dans les colonies africaines françaises.

Séminaire sur l'hospitalisation des enfants

Author: Jacqueline Fabia , International Children's Centre

Number of pages: 316

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