The Python 3 Standard Library by Example
Author: Doug Hellmann
Number of pages: 1456This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Master the Powerful Python 3 Standard Library through Real Code Examples “The genius of Doug’s approach is that with 15 minutes per week, any motivated programmer can learn the Python Standard Library. Doug’s guided tour will help you flip the switch to fully power-up Python’s batteries.” –Raymond Hettinger, Distinguished Python Core Developer The Python 3 Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for interacting with the operating system, interpreter, and Internet–all extensively tested and ready to jump-start application development. Now, Python expert Doug Hellmann introduces every major area of the Python 3.x library through concise source code and output examples. Hellmann’s examples fully demonstrate each feature and are designed for easy learning and reuse. You’ll find practical code for working with text, data structures, algorithms, dates/times, math, the file system, persistence, data exchange, compression, archiving, crypto, processes/threads, networking, Internet capabilities, email, developer...