IQ Testing 101
Author: Dr. Alan S. Kaufman, PhD
Number of pages: 360Does your IQ really measure your intelligence? Is IQ genetic? Can your IQ vary? Do we get smarter or dumber as we get older? How will IQ tests be different in the future? Dr. Kaufman, a leading expert on the development of IQ tests, explores these critical questions and many more in IQ Testing 101. This book provides a brief, compelling introduction to the topic of IQ testing-its mysteries, misconceptions, and truths. This newest edition to the popular Psych 101 Series presents a common-sense approach to what IQ is and what it is not. In lucid, engaging prose, Kaufman explains the nature of IQ testing, as well as where it came from, and where it's going in the future. A quick, fun, even enlightening read, not only for psychologists and educators, but for anyone interested in the study of intelligence. The Psych 101 Series Short, reader-friendly introductions to cutting-edge topics in psychology. With key concepts, controversial topics, and fascinating accounts of up-to-the-minute research, The Psych 101 Series is a valuable resource for all students of psychology and anyone interested in the field.