Where'd You Go, Bernadette - 101 Amazing Facts You Didn't Know
Author: G Whiz
Did you know that Where'd You Go, Bernadette is essentially a story about a woman who feels she is undergoing a "career loss" in a depriving city. Bernadette later disappears, leaving behind a set of clues that would help find her? Or, did you know that Where'd You Go, Bernadette is an epistolary novel wherein the story is told through letters? What are the amazing facts of Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple? Do you want to know the golden nuggets of facts readers love? If you've enjoyed the book, then this will be a must read delight for you! Collected for readers everywhere are 101 book facts about the book & author that are fun, down-to-earth, and amazingly true to keep you laughing and learning as you read through the book! Tips & Tricks to Enhance Reading Experience • Enter "G Whiz" after your favorite title to see if publication exists! ie) Harry Potter G Whiz • Enter "G Whiz 101" to search for entire catalogue! • Tell us what title you want next! • Combine your favorite titles to receive bundle coupons! • Submit a review and hop on the Wall of Contributors! “Get ready for fun, down-to-earth, and amazing facts that keep you laughing & learning!" - G Whiz...